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Helm Chart to deploy Magento2 in Kubernetes

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Magento2 Helm Chart

Easily deploy Magento2 in Kubernetes including MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis, RabbitMQ and Varnish. The project includes best-of-breed charts from Bitnami, Elasticsearch and others to give maximum flexibility for deploying and configuring the services.

The chart has been battle tested in Magento2 OpenSource and Adobe Commerce production environments. The bundled values.yaml provides basic settings, which should be adjusted before deployment.

Magento2 base image

The chart references PHOENIX MEDIA's Magento2 Docker image. It consists of an Alpine nginx+PHP8.1 base image, Magento OpenSource 2.4.4 source code and a few Composer packages to add build+deploy scripts. The image is available on DockerHub and the source code including Github Action is available in the magento2-build repository.

For more information checkout the article Running Magento2 in Kubernetes — Part 2: Building the Docker Image.

Magento ECE-Tools

ECE-Tools is a set of scripts and tools designed to manage and deploy Cloud projects.

Using ECE-Tools for building and deploying the Docker image reduces the amount of custom scripts and also gives great flexibility to adjust process as needed. It is recommended to get familiar with its build and deploy mechanisms.

It is required to review and adjust the Magento Cloud environment variables for the magento and cronjob deployment in the `values.yaml:


Their values are simply base64 encoded JSON objects. To decode them either run echo "<value>" | base64 -d or use an online decoder (beware when using sensitive data).

Note: It is best practice to maintain sensitive values in a Kubernetes Secret instead of keeping them in the values.yaml.


Before enabling the ingress make sure to configure and the TLS certificate properly. When having cert-manager installed set ingress.certManager: true to automatically generate a certificate for the application.

If you prefer to skip Varnish for certain routes simply configure addtional paths:

    - path: "/"
      serviceName: varnish
      servicePort: 80
    - path: "/pub/media"
      serviceName: magento
      servicePort: 80

In case you want to protect the Magento backend by IP or BasicAuth we recommend to duplicate the templates/ingress.yaml (e.g. to your Helm project root) and configure a second Ingress with proper annotations.


For the media and var folder Magento usually requires an NFS share. Depending on the Kubernetes environment files shares are available by referencing the correct storageClass.

In the values.yaml the persistence section and adjust it:

  enabled: true
  name: magento-data
  accessMode: ReadWriteMany
  size: 10Gi
  storageClassName: "files"

Existing PVCs can be also referenced by using existingClaim.

SMTP server

supervisord starts a simple Postfix MTA included in the Alpine base image. However, you should configure a mail relay which accepts mails for your Magento instance and is eligible to send emails for the configured store email addresses.

Make sure to configure it for the magento and cronjob deployment:

    - name: RELAYHOST
    - name: SMTP_USE_TLS
      value: "true"

Sample data

For fresh installations it is possible to install Magento's sample data. This requires Magento Marketplace authentication keys to be configured. They can be set in the environment variables of the cronjob deployment:

    - name: ADD_SAMPLE_DATA
      value: "true"
    - name: COMPOSER_AUTH
      value: |-
          "http-basic": {
            "": {
              "username": "<public key>",
              "password": "<private key>"


Debugging in a remote environment can help to bring down resolution time for complex issues. Since Xdebug has to establish a TCP connection to the IDE, the network setup can become complex.

While this Helm chart won't solve the complexity of setting up a VPN and maybe DBGp proxy it deploys an additional container which has Xdebug enabled. In order to route traffic to this Xdebug-enabled Magento container you have to adjust the Varnish VCL prepared in the values.yaml:

      # whitelist your developer IPs
      acl xdebug-users {

      # uncommend these lines
      # use xdebug backend
      #    if (req.http.cookie ~ "XDEBUG_SESSION=" && std.ip(req.http.X-Real-IP, "") ~ xdebug-users) {
      #        set req.backend_hint = magento_director.backend("xdebug");
      #        return (pass);
      #    }

For any request from the whitelisted networks which has the XDEBUG_SESSION request cookie (we use Xdebug Chrome Extension) the request will be sent to the xdebug pod instead of the normal magento pods.

In addition the settings for the xdebug workload have to be adjusted in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  reuseMagentoEnvs: true
    - name: XDEBUG_INSTALL
      value: "true"
      value: "dbgp-proxy"

Caution: Running Xdebug in a public environment can be a security issue. Enable this functionality at your own risk.

Helm deployment

The chart requires Helm 3.x and has been tested with 3.9.0. Make sure to adjust the values.yaml before deployment.

The Helm command is straight forward:

helm upgrade -i --create-namespace -n my-namespace magento .

Deploying the whole Magento2 stack is complex operation and not unlikely when trying it the first time. We prefer to use optional --wait --timeout 15m parameters in a deployment pipeline to see if the deployment was actually successful.

To deploy Magento to different environments (develop, staging, production) it is recommended to create a values_*.yaml for each environment and tune the resource limits and configuration values of the services.


[2.4.1] - 2022-07-21

  • Added optional ingressClassName
  • Added values_docker.yaml for Docker Desktop deployments
  • small adjustments in values.yaml

[2.4.0] - 2022-06-24

  • Use PHOENIX MEDIA's Magento OpenSource 2.4.4 build as base image
  • Updated Bitnami charts
  • Use Softonic Varnish chart
  • Use upstream Varnish version
  • Cleaned up values.yaml


The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Helm Chart to deploy Magento2 in Kubernetes






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