This is a BETA version.
- Only one instance of Tower can be launched at same time to avoid concurrent modifications (and problems)
- Configure app bundle for linux and macos + standalone packaging (for USB Key for example)
- A timer is added on round to manage the duration of the round. The time is initialized for an initial duration according to the configuration of the tournament and can be launched whenever. It stops automatically when the last score of the round is set. The application can be stopped, crashed, restarted,... the timer continue and doesn't loose its goal.
- Manual pairing; The scorekeeper can now cancel a match in a round and build another. It can be useful for correcting a round but this feature should be used with caution. This is an advanced feature which breaks the law of the tournament and can be lead to unexpected results. When a manual pairing is done, the application try to not modify the position of the other matches.
- We can now generate and print the final ladder, the list of matches and the score slip,
User interface
- Each dialog popup doesn't open anymore a new window on the OS task bar
- The current langauge is selected by default on the language choice dialog
- An "Information Radiator Screen" is added. We can open this special screen to display status of the tournament or the current round on a screen (or several) for players in the room. The information on this screen is automatically updated according to the current status of the tournament.