Automatic bidding for Aeternity name system.
is a small showcase prototype project, which is build in JS, by using Aeternity JavaScript SDK. This application automates all the activities, needed to "hold" a name in Aeternity blockchain, this app allows a user to:
- Preclaim and claim a given name (if the name wasn't found in the blockchain and there is no current auction for it).
- Overbid the name auction.
- Monitor and automatically bid for a given name with all funds available at the end of an auction.
- Clone the project and install dependencies
git clone
cd 4evaAens
npm install
- Now you need to start local network with docker
docker-compose up -d
- Preclaim and claim name
node claim.js
Example output:
Preclaiming hacknplayAU.chain ...
Claiming hacknplayAU.chain ...
- Start auction observer
node observe.js
Example output:
Auction observer started with following settings:
NODE_URL = http://localhost:3013
NODE_INTERNAL_URL = http://localhost:3013/internal
NETWORK_ID = ae_devnet
PUBLIC_KEY = ak_A9fdTdBvsBpq7snU7KHNkz7dwVa45SBn3LBdDeZZFmYABaMPG
Will bid for hacknplayAU.chain
Fetching bids for hacknplayAU.chain ...
Highest bid:
accountId = ak_A9fdTdBvsBpq7snU7KHNkz7dwVa45SBn3LBdDeZZFmYABaMPG
nameFee = 4636800000000000000
blockHeight = 6
Auction will end at height 486. 435 blocks left
Will refresh in 10 seconds
- Optionally overbid an auction (you can do this many times in new terminal window while the auction observer is still running)
node overbid.js
Example output:
Fetching bids for hacknplayAU.chain ...
Current name fee: 4636800000000000000
Making a bid with name fee = 5136800000000000000 ...
See config.js file.