This project allows you to replay vkCmdTraceRaysKHR calls using memory/data dumps from Vulkan-Sim's mesa without actually invoking mesa itself. This will assume you already have gpgpu-sim_emerald and mesa set up already.
Install the required packages
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Make a folder to contain the simulator
mkdir vulkan-sim/
Clone and Build mesa in vulkan-sim/
git clone
cd mesa
git checkout shadow_trace_runner
In the mesa repo, edit src/intel/vulkan/ so gpgpusim_lib_dir, embree_header_dir, and embree_lib_dir matches the path on your system. Afterwards, run the following to build:
meson --prefix="${PWD}/lib" build/
meson configure build/ -Dbuildtype=debug -D b_lundef=false
ninja -C build/ install
Clone and Build gpgpusim_emerald in vulkan-sim/
git clone
cd gpgpu-sim_emerald
git checkout shadow_trace_runner
source setup_environment debug
make -j
Clone and build this repo, vulkan_rt_trace_runner
git clone
cd vulkan_rt_trace_runner
Workloads that are provided with the trace runner: raytracing_basic, ray_tracing_reflection, raytracing_extended, RayTracingInVulkan-Scene5, RayTracingInVulkan-Scene6 Step 2 can be ignored if you are running the provided workloads.
- In Makefile, change GPGPUSIM_PATH to the path of your gpgpusim
- Only if you are dumping new workloads!! Copy the folder gpgpusimShaders/ (that contains the translated PTX shaders, descriptor set memory dumps, and shader binding table memory dumps) to mesa/ (if you can run Vulkan-Sim's mesa on your computer then the folder should already be there)
- Copy your gpgpusim.config to the same location as ./vulkan_rt_runner
If compilation fails due to undefined reference to libboost, you need to download libboost from and build from source, then include the path in the Makefile.
./vulkan_rt_runner <path_to_trace_folder> <workload>
./vulkan_rt_runner raytracing_basic_448x320/ raytracing_basic
./vulkan_rt_runner ray_tracing_reflection_448x320/ ray_tracing_reflection
./vulkan_rt_runner raytracing_extended_448x320/ raytracing_extended
./vulkan_rt_runner RayTracingInVulkan-Scene5-448x320-Baseline RayTracingInVulkan-Scene5
./vulkan_rt_runner RayTracingInVulkan-Scene6-448x320-Baseline RayTracingInVulkan-Scene6