Note: some of this information may be outdated.
Community Energy Explorer (old website) - Community Energy Explorer (new temp. website) -
- JS/Node JS
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Install NodeJS -
- Install Ruby -
- Install Compass and read documentation -
- Before making changes to the styles, browse to /assets/styles/cee, open command window in the root folder of styles, run the following command: compass watch
- Other alternative to making changes to the styles is to double-click on the file "compass-watch.bat"
- Run npm install in the command line if you do not see a node_modules folder with all the modules installed. This has to be done at the folder level where app.js exists.
- To run the web application, open command window in the root folder of the website and execute the following command: node app.js
- View the app on localhost:5000 in your web browser.
- .vscode (not required unless running node via Visual Studio Code)
- --/ launch.json
- assets (JavaScript/CSS/Images)
- --/ bootstrap (twitter bootstrap files)
- --/ images
- --/ js (all other javasript files)
- --/ styles (all other stylesheets)
--/ .sass-cache (used by Compass framework)
- --/ cee (folder initialized by compass to store all stylesheets)
- --/--/ sass (this is where you write your styles. Compass converts it to css)
- --/--/ css (all the converted css files. This is what you add to the tag in HTML)
--/--/ compass-watch.bat (run this file before making changes to styles. This watches the changes in scss folder and converts it to css)
--/--/ config.rb (configuration file for compass. Do not make changes without understanding the docmentation on Compass website)
- node_modules (Folder where all node modules are installed. Run npm install in the command prompt if you don't see this folder.)
- routes (Contains routing files. Learn more here:
--/ main.js (Contains all primary routes/urls for the website)
- views (Contains all html files - coded using swig templating - )
--/ Components (also contains html file but only resuable components such as navbars, footers, etc)
--/ caseStudies (Contains all HTML pages for each case study.)
--/ renewableEnergySupplyModals (Contains all HTML partials for Bootstrap modals (View Bootstrap website to know how modals work). Used in renewableEnergySupply.html)
--/ energyDemandModals (Contains all HTML partials for Bootstrap modals (View Bootstrap website to know how modals work). Used in energyDemandEfficiency.html)
- .gitignore (list of folders to ignore when pushing changes to repositories using GIT)
- app.js (Main entry file to start a node server)
- package.json (Created by node to save configurations and list of packages installed)
- (Documentation for the project)
- Dawood Al-Masslawi
- Jon Salter
- Utkarsh Saxena