In reality: you are guinea pigs for the new course (where here we will emphasize slightly more macro content)
- ECON323 "Quantitative Economic Modeling with Data Science Applications"
- Testing out a new textbook "QuantEcon DataScience: Introduction to Economic Modeling and Data Science"
Previous programming experience and classwork is useful, but not required.
However, for those coming in with advanced Python skills, you can use this as an opportunity to learn Julia and/or R for the first parts of the course
You will not need to install any software on your local computer. You can use the online Jupyter environment from Syzygy To setup, go to ECON407 Syzygy Setup
In the next few weeks, we will give you an HTML and additional repository with a similarly easy setup
For students doing Julia self-study for the first part of the course, setup on the VSE syzygy QuantEcon Julia Setup
- Note, this is on a different jupyterhub for now
- There is a bug in the display of some images on jupyter lab. You can look at the Lecture HTML instead
- You already have Jupyter installed, so start with Using Jupyter rather than the desktop setup.
See Syllabus for more details
Major course sections
- Python Fundamentals
- Scientific Computing and Economics
- Introduction to Pandas and Data Wrangling
- Data Science Case Studies and Tools
- January 3rd - Intro and pyfun/Basics
- January 8th - pyfun/Collections and start pyfun/Control Flow
- January 10th - Finish Pyfun/Control Flow and start Pyfun/Functions
- January 15th - Scientific/Numpy and Scientific/Plotting
- January 17th - Scientific/LinAlg and Scientific/Randomness
- January 22nd - Review PS2 and Scientific/Optimization
- January 24th - Finish Scientific/Optimization and Introduce Pandas
- January 29th - Pandas: Intro and start Basics
- January 31st - Review of PS3, Pandas: Basics
- February 5th - Pandas: Index and intro to Storage Formats and Data Cleaning
- February 7th - Review PS4, Pandas: Reshaping
February 12th- snow day- February 14th - Pandas: Group-by, merging
- February 26th - Pandas/matplolib visualization (Paul takes over)
- February 28th - Begin applications/visualization_rules
- March 5th - Finish applications/visualization_rules, begin applications/regression
- March 7th - Intro to regression methods, lasso: applications/regression
- March 12th - Regression forests, neural networks: applications/regression
- March 14th - More visualization and introduction to classification: applications/recidivism
- March 19th - applications/recidivism continued
- March 21st - More classification: applications/classification
- March 26th - Machine learning in economics-estimating nuisance functions: applications/ml_in_economics
- March 28th - Machine learning in economics-heterogeneity: applications/ml_in_economics
- April 2nd - Mapping: applications/mapping
- April 4th - Working with text: applications/avalanche
- January 11th - Problem Set 1 (uploaded as executed ipynb through Canvas)
- January 17th (class-time) - Problem Set 2
- January 24th (class-time) - Problem Set 3
- February 1st - Problem Set 4
- February 8th - Problem Set 5
- February 28th - Problem Set 6
- Probelm Set 7
- Problem Set 8
Lecture and problem set notebooks can be found in