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Homework Task

Check out and generate a library with functions / methods needed for Task 1 and 2.

In particular fullfill three tasks (one for each group member):

Task 1: Use the four integral algorithms (simpson, adaptive trapezoid, trapezoid) to create a Jupyter notebook that imports the functions from and use them to calculate and plot the integral of:

  • $\exp(-1/x)$
  • $\cos(1/x)$
  • $x^3 + \frac 1{\textrm{GroupNumber}}$

with different boundaries:

$$ [0,10\cdot\textrm{GroupNumber}],]0,\pi\cdot\textrm{GroupNumber}],[-1,1] $$

(Pay attention to the boundary brackets ][)

Additionally, compare the accuracies (how many digits are correct) and efficiencies (how many steps does it take to reach a given accuracy).

Task 2: Compare the accuracies (how many digits are correct) and efficiencies (how many steps does it take to reach a given accuracy) for any two root-finding algorithms on the two functions

$$ y(x) = \tan(x) \textrm{ and} $$

$$ y(x) = \tanh(x). $$

Task 3:

  • Compare the numpy integration functions to the ones found in compphys
  • Add missing docstrings in
  • Reuse github actions for linting and unit tests for
  • write unit tests for functions in

For this you have to complete the following steps:

  • Discuss in this repository using issues who will do which task (specified above)
  • Discuss who should be the main responsible for the repository (the one that can accept merge requests, let me know in discord so I can adjust rights)
  • Work together by generating with functions for task 1 and 2 from compphys
  • Discuss and generate milestone for your project to optimize the timeline of your project
  • Discuss and generate labels for your issues
  • Fork this repository
  • Merge the necessary fies from the original homework project into your fork
  • commit
  • create merge requests for your work

Also use discord for discussing solutions to any issues popping up.


Homework Points
Interaction on own project
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 6 1 6
Merge requests 3 1 3
Merge Accepted 1 1 1
Branches 2 0.5 1
Issues 10 0.5 5
Closed Issues 5 0.2 1
# Conversations 30 0.2 6
Total 23
Shared project points
# Label 5 0.2 1
# Milestones 2 1 2
# Tags 0 1 0
Total 7 5
Interaction on others project(s)
Category min per person point factor max points
Commits 3 1 3
Branches 1 0.5 0.5
Issues 9 0.5 4.5
# Conversations 15 0.2 3
Total 22 11
Task completion 5 1 5
Sum 42


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