Exploiting community structure for floating-point precision tuning, ISSTA'18
You can either use docker or build from scratch which is the hard way to use HiFPTuner.
Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub
docker pull hguo15/hifptuner:vo
docker run -ti --name=hifptuner hguo15/hifptuner:vo
Or Build a Doker Image by yourself
git clone https://github.com/ucd-plse/HiFPTuner.git
cd HiFPTuner
docker build -t docker-hifptuner .
docker run -ti --name=hifptuner docker-hifptuner
1. llvm 3.0 & 3.8
2. Precimonious
repo.: https://github.com/ucd-plse/precimonious
3. NetworkX 2.2 python package
install: pip install 'networkx==2.2'
repo.: https://github.com/networkx/networkx
4. Community python package
install: pip install python-louvain
repo.: https://bitbucket.org/taynaud/python-louvain
5. pygraphviz and other graph python packages
pip install graphviz
pip install pygraphviz
apt-get install python-matplotlib
apt-get install libgraphviz-dev
apt-get install python-dev
Install HiFPTuner:
1. git clone https://github.com/ucd-plse/HiFPTuner.git
2. cd HiFPTuner/precimonious/logging
3. make clean; make
4. switch to llvm 3.8
in the docker image of HiFPTuner, switching to llvm 3.8 as following,
4.1 modify ~/.bashrc: $LLVM_VERSION=llvm-3.8
4.2 . ~/.bashrc
5. cd HiFPTuner/src/varDeps
6. make clean; make
1. $cd HiFPTuner/examples/simpsons
2. generate llvm_3.0 bitcode file
switch to llvm 3.0
$clang -c -emit-llvm simpsons.c -o simpsons.bc
$path/to/HiFPTuner/scripts/compile.sh simpsons.bc
3. Run llvm analysis and transformation passes to attain the dependence graph
switch to llvm 3.8
$path/to/HiFPTuner/scripts/analyze.sh json_simpsons.bc
(Check outputs: "varDepPairs_pro.json" and "edgeProfilingOut.json" for the dependece pairs and edge weights.)
4. Run Networkx and community packages to attain the unsorted and sorted hierarchy
(Check outputs: "partition.json", "sorted_partition.json" and "topolOrder_pro.json" for the unsorted hierarchy, sorted hierarchy and the topological ordered variable list)
(Also, check varDepGraph_pro.png for the visualized dependence graph)
1. switch to llvm 3.0
2. create current precision configuration file
$path/to/HiFPTuner/precimonious/scripts/pconfig.sh simpsons .
3. create search space
$path/to/HiFPTuner/precimonious/scripts/search.sh simpsons .
4. dynamic tuning
$python -O path/to/HiFPTuner/precimonious/scripts/dd2_prof.py simpsons.bc search_simpsons.json config_simpsons.json sorted_partition.json