This is our starter Flask Template for using LTI 1.3. This skeleton will launch an LTI 1.3 application from within your LMS and display the email of the logged in user.
We are always looking for feedback and pull requests.
First you will need to clone the repo, and create the environment file from the template.
git clone
cd lti-13-template-flask
cp .env.template .env
In this simple framework all the variables are preset, but for production you will want to edit the .env environment variables DEBUG and SECRET_KEY.
We use Docker-Compose to build and run our services.
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
After Docker builds and starts the services, you will run the migration commands to create the database.
docker compose exec lti flask db upgrade
The database which will hold your LTI1.3 credentials has now been created. It's now time to generate the LTI 1.3 keys for LMS authentication:
docker compose run lti python
This script will output directions to follow to generate the Client ID and Deployment ID. You can find further documentation here:
The LTI 1.3 Template will now be running at: and available via the course navigation from the account or course you installed the tool into.
Dmitry Viskov for the pylti1p3 python library.
Instructure for their LMS: Canvas
IMS Global for defining the LTI standards.