Welcome to my first React Project! I'm working on this project to gain more knowledge and practice my React skills. This is the third version of WatchList, and it's repo has very few commits and comments. You can find older versions (not production-ready like this) and see how I worked them out in their respective repos:
With WachList you can create a list of Movies and TV Shows you want to watch, or have watched. The search functionality works thanks to the great API from TheMovieDB.
- 💡 Light/dark mode toggle
- 💪 Responsive
- ✅ CRUD functionality
- 👤 SignUp and LogIn (Firebase)
- 👥 Profile name and picture
- 🗃 Firebase Storage (currently using LocalStorage)
- 🎬 Movie info page
- ✔ React-Router-DOM
- ✔ Axios
- ✔ Firebase
- ✔ UUID