NEW 24.06.2016 Added some more Webscans. Because this scans are quite intense to you machine, don't run the aggainst a huge targetlist. It can clog up your system quite fast. To reduce the targets re run 1-1 and 1-2 scripts with one ip you want to test, this will reduce theload of all later tests. Of course, if you want your huge targetlist again rerun 1-1&1-2 or just copy your ip list files (all XXX-ip.txt stuff in the result folder) first before reducing your scope.
New Version of (for infos about the last version go here )
0-Setup Scripts 0-1 Timecheck 0-2 Foldersetup
1-Targeting Scripts & Basic Recon 1-1 Target Selection 1-2 Folder Creation & Scanning for Basic Services 1-3 Converting Scans in IP lists 1-4 NETBIOS Recon 1-5 SNMP Recon 1-6 Onesixtyone Bruteforcer 1-7 Enum4Linux 1-8 NMAP UDP & TCP Top 200 Ports 1-9 Reverse DNS Bruteforcer
2-Webserver Scan 2-1 Nikto 2-2 Open all pot. pages in browser
3-Nmap TCP Scans 3-1-1 System Ports SYNC 3-1-2 Registered Ports SYNC 3-1-3 Dynamic Ports SYNC 3-2-1 System Ports CONNECT 3-2-2 Reg Ports CONNECT 3-2-3 Dynamic Ports CONNECT 3-3-1 System Ports TCP NULL -sN 3-3-2 Reg Ports TCP NULL -sN 3-3-3 Dyn Ports TCP NULL -sN
4-NMAP UDP (SLOW) 4-1-1 Sys Ports UDP 4-1-2 Reg Ports UDP 4-1-3 Dyn Ports UDP
X-Aux Scripts X-1 Portlist (compiling a aprox Portlist) X-2 Getting all Users from NEtbios & Co
Y-OS & Version Detection Y-0 Version Intesity 0 (Banner Grab) Y-1 Vers Int = 1 Y-2 V I 2 Y-3 V I 3 Y-4 V I 4 Y-5 Y-6 Y-7 COUTION CAN CRASCH SERVICES Y-8 COUTION CAN CRASCH SERVICES Y-9 COUTION CAN CRASCH SERVICES Y-I-Improved OS detection with 2 pseudorandom ports Y-Y-1 Compile a aprox OS Overview