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ACM Hack Website

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This repository contains the code for ACM Hack’s website!

This website is developed with Gatsby and Material UI, and is an active project being developed by ACM Hack’s Dev Team.

ACM Hack Dev Team Contributors

Alumni Dev Team Contributors

ACM Hack is a subcomittee of ACM @ UCLA, the largest Computer Science student organization in Southern California. Check out our website to learn more about who we are and what we do!

Getting Started

You’ll need:

Running the Project

Type the following lines in your command line:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

You can then navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to see the website!


  • Be sure to run yarn every time there are changes to package.json. Usually you’ll want to run yarn in the following scenarios:
    • after pulling from main
    • after merging main into your branch
    • after switching branches (that may have different dependencies)
  • This project uses ESLint to ensure code style compliance. ESLint is automatically run when you try to make a Git commit, though this can be overridden in exigent circumstances with --no-verify. To run ESLint manually, do yarn lint.


If something breaks in a weird way, try the following in order:

  • run yarn
  • delete the public, .cache, and node_modules/.cache directories
  • delete the node_modules directory entirely and reinstall dependencies by running yarn


Adding Blog Posts

The blogs that are written in Markdown format.

To add new blogs, create a folder of the term under the directory posts/, if it does not exist yet (e.g. winter2020). Then, create the directory that holds the blog post (e.g. hoth-intro). This would be the path to the blog post:

Then, create a markdown file. Start the file with the following metadata format.

date: 2019-10-08
title: "Function and this"
subtitle: "JavaScript Chats with ACM Hack Session 1"
author: "Galen Wong"

Since the title and subtitle are specified in the metadata already, you don't need to specify it again in the body of the markdown. You should avoid using level 1 and level 2 title (aka # and ##) since they represent the title and the subtitle. Adding an author is optional.

Adding Events to Workshop Archive

The event workshops are stored in yaml format.

To add event workshops to the archive, go to src/data/archive/.

To create a new quarter section, add a new folder to the archive folder with the following format <quarter><year>.

Note: the name of the folder doesn't hold any affect on the queries made (aka the name of the folder is not used anywhere), but follow the specified format for organization.

To add a specific event, create a yml file in the quarter folder. Each Yaml file should contain information for only one event.

Each event Yaml file should be created with the following structure:

- name: Event Name
  quarter: <Quarter> <year> 
  mainLink: <best overall event link (ex: github, slides, etc.)>
  tags: ['overall', 'event', 'tags']
  - Director 1
  - Director 2
  - etc.

  - name: Workshop 1 Title
    repo: <link to github repo> 
    slides: <link to slides>
    youtube: <link to video>
    tags: ['workshop', 'specific', 'tags']
    - Presenter 1
    - Presenter 2
    - etc.
  - name: Workshop 2 Title

Notes on the Yaml fields:

Field Required Notes
name (Event) yes Name of the event
quarter yes Quarter event was held. Must follow the format <Quarter> <year> because ArchivePageTemplate.js uses this value to index, sort, and organize events.
mainLink no Link most relevant to the overall event.
tags yes List of overall tags for the event
directors no List of directors for the event
workshops no List of workshops for the event
name (workshop) yes Name of workshop
repo no Link to the GitHub (usually README)
slides no Link to slides
youtube no Link to online recording
tags yes List of tags specific to workshop
presenters no List of presenters for the workshop

Changing Officer Profiles

Officers come and go. We don't stay in college forever. To change the officer profiles, go to src/components/PhotoPage/PhotoPage.js. Modify the array directly.

The profile pictures of the officer is put under src/images/about. The naming of the file should be <id>.jpg or <id>.png where <id> is specified in the data in PhotoPage.js.

Maintaining Events

We list our events in our home page and the event page. To change the events, change src/data/events.js. The banner of the events are put under src/images/event. The format of an event is as follow:

  name: 'Passion Talks',
  date: getDateTime(2020, 5, 13, 18),
  location: 'Zoom',
  imgFilePath: 'event/2020s-passion-talks.png',
  rsvpLink: '',
  detailLink: ''

If you are in development mode, hot-reloading might not work for updating events. You need to manually do yarn develop again.

Maintaining Event Highlights

We list some of our featured events in our event page. To change the featured events, go to data/highlights.js.

  name: 'Hackschool',
  description: 'A coolest event',
  imgFilePath: 'event/2019f-hackschool.png',
  button: 'Curriculum',
  link: ''

The banner images of these highlighted events can also be found in src/images/event. The button field will be rendered as a link that points to link.


Deployment is done automatically when the main branch is updated. We use GitHub Actions to deploy our site into GitHub pages. We have our domain to point to this GitHub page.

Continuous Integration (CI)

We had set up Netlify to build our site for preview for every pull request. You can see the preview link right at our pull request.

But do note that Netlify has a monthly limit of 1000 build minutes. We share this quota with the HOTH website. Don't push too much.