This project provides a suite of modules aimed to show how Cmake used with Ctest. Also combines doxygen documentation and test coverage reports
- CMake >= 3.12
- C++ Standard >= 11
- GoogleTest (for testing modules)
- Visual Studio Communit Edition for Windows Generator
- Ninja for WSL/Linux
Run 1-configure-pre-commit.bat file to copy 1-pre-commit script to .git/hooks that checkes., gitignore and doxygenfiles. Also format code with astyle tool
If gitignore missing then you can create gitignore with 2-create-git-ignore.bat file run this file.
Install package managers that we will use to install applications. Run 3-install-package-manager.bat to install choco and scoop package managers
Run 4-install-windows-enviroment.bat to install required applications.
Open powershell as admin and enter WSL then goto project folder and run to setup WSL environment
You can run 9-clean-configure-app-windows.bat to generate Visual Studio Communit Edition Project of this file. Or You can use Cmake project development with Visual Studio Community Edition
Run 7-build-app-windows.bat to build, test and generate packed binaries for your application on windows.
Also you can run 7-build-doc-windows.bat to only generate documentation and 8-build-test-windows.bat to only test application.
Run to build, test and generate packed binaries for your application on WSL environment.
You can run 9-clean-project.bat to clean project outputs.
Note : There is a known bug on doxygen following badges are in different folder but has same name for this reason in doxygen html report use same image for all content Images with same name overwrite each other in output directory · Issue #8362 · doxygen/doxygen · GitHub. and WebPage show correct badges.
Coverage Type | Windows OS | Linux OS (WSL-Ubuntu 20.04) |
Line Based | ||
Branch Based | ||
Method Based |
Windows OS | Linux OS (WSL-Ubuntu 20.04) | |
Coverage Ratio |
We are using GitHub - inorton/junit2html: Turn Junit XML reports into self contained HTML reports to convert junit xml formatted test results to HTML page for reporting also we store logs during test. Use following commands to install this module with pip
pip install junit2html
This project also compiled and tested with Github Actions. If there is a missing setup or problem follow github action script for both Windows and WSL under
Github actions take too much time more than 1 hour take to complete build for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Also its paid operation for this reason we use offline batch scripts easy to use.
We have already configured script for build operations. 7-build-app-windows.bat
have complete all required tasks and copy outputs to release folder.
Operation Completed in 11-15 minutes.
Clean project outputs
Create required folders
Run doxygen for documentation
Run coverxygen for document coverage report
Run Report Generator for Documentation Coverage Report
Configure project for Visual Studio Community Edition
Build Project Debug and Release
Install/Copy Required Library and Headers
Run Tests
Run OpeCppCoverage for Coverage Data Collection
Run Reportgenerator for Test Coverage Report
Copy output report to webpage folder
Run mkdocs to build webpage
Compress outputs to release folder, everything is ready for deployment.
We are running WSL on Windows 10 and solve our virtual machine problem. We make cross-platform development. After development before commit we run and test app on Windows and WSL with this scripts. To run on WSL you need to install WSL first.
you can use our public notes
GitHub - ucoruh/ns3-wsl-win10-setup: ns3 windows 10 WSL2 setup and usage
After WSL installation, right click and open WSL bash and run
this will provide similart task with windows and will generate report and libraries on release folder.