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Jonas Bardino edited this page Sep 19, 2024 · 1 revision

Getting Started

You can run your own migrid site with a bare-metal migrid installation or through docker-migrid. The latter includes both a self-contained development template where you can try out many functionalities even on you desktop/laptop with minimal requirements for public IPs or separate backend storage. The production template is included as a starting point for real site deployments with additional requirements. You can also run real sites natively if you prefer, but in any case you need to prepare a host or VM with a number of IP addresses to fit your site setup for that. This mainly has to do with the choice and number of user authentication methods you intend to allow on the site.

Depending on your setup you'll need one or more IPs to serve virtual hosts and services on. A basic production site can run with four IPs (~vhosts) summarized as:

  • www for public pages, etc.
  • io for SFTP, FTPS and WebDAVS
  • sid for sign up, password reset, et.c
  • ext for user pages served with built-in OpenID 2.0 authentication

Optional additional authentication methods will require one or more of the following additional IPs (vhosts):

  • oid for user pages served with external OpenID 2.0 authentication
  • oidc for user pages served with external OpenID Connect authentication
  • cert for user pages served with external user certificate authentication

The names in bold are just example labels, you can choose whatever subdomain name you prefer to map to your vhosts/services or in principle even just use the raw IPs.

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