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Make GeneralReflection.v way faster
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JoJoDeveloping committed Nov 7, 2023
1 parent 367065c commit 915a0cd
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 28 deletions.
94 changes: 66 additions & 28 deletions theories/Reification/GeneralReflection.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,27 @@ From FOL Require Import FullSyntax.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All Pretty Checker.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Export bytestring.
Require Import List String Arith Lia.
From Coq Require Import Classes.DecidableClass.

(* Both metacoq and FOL have terms. *)
Notation term := Core.term.
Notation string := String.t.

Definition decide_string_eq (s1 s2 : string) : sumbool (s1=s2) (s1<>s2).
decide equality. apply byte_eqdec.

Instance string_eq_decidable (s1 s2 : string) : Decidable (s1 = s2).
exists (if decide_string_eq s1 s2 then true else false).
destruct decide_string_eq; intuition congruence.

(* * Reification
Please read the PDF file giving a detailed description.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +146,12 @@ Section MetaCoqUtils.

Definition lowerRelIndex (minn:nat) (tv:FailureMonad Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) : FailureMonad Ast.term := subst tv minn t.

(* Notation for matching constructs like Coq.Init.Logic.and prop1 prop2 -> (x:="and", l:=[term1, term2]) *)
Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
Definition matchBaseLogicConn {A:Type} (x: Ast.term) (f: ident -> A) : option A := match x with baseLogicConn s nil => Some (f s) | _ => None end.

End MetaCoqUtils.

Section AbstractReflectionDefinitions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,8 +419,6 @@ Section TarskiMerging.
MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeFormTrue := @mTrue.
MetaCoq Quote Definition qMergeTrue := @mergeTrue.

(* Notation for matching constructs like Coq.Init.Logic.and prop1 prop2 -> (x:="and", l:=[term1, term2]) *)
Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
(* We now define reification helpers for each of the primitives (except implication&forall). These helpers recursively apply the main reification function to the subterms and assemble the resulting term/prood*)
Definition reifyFalse : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with nil => ret (tApp qMergeFormFalse ([tct]), tApp qMergeFalse ([tct;envTerm])) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
Definition reifyAnd : baseConnectiveReifier := fun tct qff lst _ envTerm env fPR _ => match lst with [x; y] =>
Expand All @@ -422,10 +441,14 @@ Section TarskiMerging.

(* The main handler. Given the name of the base type, call the respective helper. If nothing matches, call the extension point *)
Definition reifyBase (s:string): baseConnectiveReifier
:= match s with "and" => reifyAnd | "or" => reifyOr | "ex" => reifyExist | "False" => reifyFalse | "True" => reifyTrue |
_ => match baseLogicConnHelper with
:= if decide (s = "and") then reifyAnd else
if decide (s = "or") then reifyOr else
if decide (s = "ex") then reifyExist else
if decide (s = "False") then reifyFalse else
if decide (s = "True") then reifyTrue else
match baseLogicConnHelper with
None =>fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => fail (String.append "Unknown connective " s) |
Some k => k s end end.
Some k => k s end.
(* The same development for no-proof mode. Similar, except we don't build proofs *)
Definition baseConnectiveReifierNP := Ast.term -> Ast.term -> list Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) ->
(Ast.term -> Ast.term -> nat -> Ast.term -> (Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) -> FailureMonad ( Ast.term)) ->
Expand All @@ -450,14 +473,18 @@ Section TarskiMerging.
ret (tApp qMergeFormTrue ([tct]))| _ => fail "True applied to terms" end.

(* The helper is a bit more interesting, since it calls the extension point, building a recursive "dummy proof" helper and discarding the resulting proof *)
Definition reifyBaseNP (s:string): baseConnectiveReifierNP
:= match s with "and" => reifyAndNP | "or" => reifyOrNP | "ex" => reifyExistNP | "False" => reifyFalseNP | "True" => reifyTrueNP |
_ => match baseLogicConnHelper with
Definition reifyBaseNP (s:string): baseConnectiveReifierNP
:= if decide (s = "and") then reifyAndNP else
if decide (s = "or") then reifyOrNP else
if decide (s = "ex") then reifyExistNP else
if decide (s = "False") then reifyFalseNP else
if decide (s = "True") then reifyTrueNP else
match baseLogicConnHelper with
None =>fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => fail (String.append "Unknown connective " s) |
Some k => fun tct qff lst fuel envTerm env fPR fTR => both <- k s tct qff lst fuel envTerm env
(fun qff P n et e => rr <- fPR qff P n et e;; ret (rr, noProofDummy))
(fun tct qff t eT env => rr <- fTR tct qff t eT env;; ret (rr, noProofDummy));;
let '(trm,_) := both in ret trm end end.
let '(trm,_) := both in ret trm end.
End TarskiMerging.

Section ReificationHelpers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,8 +561,6 @@ Section EnvConstructor.
| _ => ffail
(*Our notation from above*)
Notation baseLogicConn x l:= (tInd {| inductive_mind := (MPfile (["Logic"; "Init"; "Coq"]), x); inductive_ind := 0 |} l).
(* Find the unbound variables for our basic forms *)
Definition findUBFalse :baseConnectiveVars := fun lst _ _ fPR _ => match lst with nil =>
ret (nil) | _ => fail "False applied to terms" end.
Expand All @@ -552,23 +577,31 @@ Section EnvConstructor.
xt <- fPR x 0;;yt <- fPR y 0;;
ret (xt++yt) | _ => fail "Iff applied to != 2 terms" end.

Definition findUBBase (s:string) : baseConnectiveVars
:= match s with "and" => findUBAnd | "or" => findUBOr | "ex" => findUBExists | "False" => findUBFalse | "True" => findUBTrue | _ =>
match @baseLogicVarHelper tr te with None => fun _ _ _ _ _ => fail (String.append "Unknown connective " s) | Some k => k s end end.
:= if decide (s = "and") then findUBAnd else
if decide (s = "or") then findUBOr else
if decide (s = "ex") then findUBExists else
if decide (s = "False") then findUBFalse else
if decide (s = "True") then findUBTrue else
match @baseLogicVarHelper tr te with None => fun _ _ _ _ _ => fail (String.append "Unknown connective " s) | Some k => k s end.
MetaCoq Quote Definition qIff := @iff.
MetaCoq Quote Definition qNot := @not.

(* Checks whether a term is the type of theory terms in Coq. *)
Definition maybeD : Ast.term -> Ast.term -> bool := fun tct mD => if @isD tr mD then true else Checker.eq_term init_graph mD (tApp qD ([tct])).
(* Finds the unbound variables in a form *)
Fixpoint findUnboundVariablesForm (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (list Ast.term)) :=
let ffail := fail (String.append"Cannot introspect form " (string_of_term t)) in match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
let ffail := fail (String.append"Cannot introspect form " (string_of_term t)) in
match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
let baseLogicCase lst name := findUBBase name lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) in
match (frees,t) with
(0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => findUBBase name nil fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
| (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => findUBBase name lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
| (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
(0,(tApp arg lst)) => match matchBaseLogicConn arg (baseLogicCase lst) with Some k => k | None =>
if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;findUBRecursively vr (fun t => findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel t)
| _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then findUBIff lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel)
else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then findUBNot lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) else ffail
else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then findUBNot lst fuel tct (findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel) (findUnboundVariablesTerm fuel) else ffail end
| (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel (tLambda x P Q) 1
else (*implication*)
Expand All @@ -579,6 +612,7 @@ Section EnvConstructor.
| (S n,tLambda x T P) => if maybeD tct T then
findUnboundVariablesForm tct fuel P n
else ffail
| (0, t) => match matchBaseLogicConn t (baseLogicCase nil) with Some k => k | None => ffail end
| _ => ffail end end.

Fixpoint isIn (l:list Ast.term) (x:Ast.term) := match l with nil=>false | lx::lr => if Checker.eq_term init_graph lx x then true else isIn lr x end.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,14 +677,15 @@ Section MainReificationFunctions.
Fixpoint findPropRepresentation (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (qff:Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) (envTerm:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (prod Ast.term Ast.term)) :=
match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
let ffail := orelse (match @formReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => k tct qff fuel t frees envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun l => findTermRepresentation l fuel) end)
(fail (String.append "Cannot represent form " (string_of_term t))) in match (frees,t) with
(0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => reifyBase name tct qff nil fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
| (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => reifyBase name tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
| (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
(fail (String.append "Cannot represent form " (string_of_term t))) in
let baseCase lst name := reifyBase name tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel) in
match (frees,t) with
(0,(tApp arg lst)) => match matchBaseLogicConn arg (baseCase lst) with Some k => k | None =>
if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyForm fnc tct qff vr envTerm (fun t => findTermRepresentation tct fuel qff t envTerm env)
| _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then reifyIff tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then reifyNot tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentation tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentation tct fuel)
else ffail
else ffail end
| (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
rQ <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel qff (tLambda x P Q) 1 envTerm env;; let '(tQ,pQ) := rQ in
ret (tApp qMergeFormForall ([tct;qff;tQ]), tApp qMergeForall ([tct;qff;envTerm;tLambda x P Q;tQ;pQ]))
Expand All @@ -665,19 +700,21 @@ Section MainReificationFunctions.
k <- findPropRepresentation tct fuel qff P n envTermSub envSub;; let '(tk,pk) := k in
ret (tk,(tLambda x (tApp qD ([tct])) pk))
else ffail
| (0, term) => match matchBaseLogicConn term (baseCase nil) with Some k => k | None => ffail end
| _ => ffail end end.
(* like the above but again the no-proof version *)
Fixpoint findPropRepresentationNP (tct:Ast.term) (fuel:nat) (qff:Ast.term) (t:Ast.term) (frees:nat) (envTerm:Ast.term) (env:Ast.term -> FailureMonad nat) {struct fuel}: (FailureMonad (Ast.term)) :=
match fuel with 0 => fail "Out of fuel" | S fuel =>
let ffail := orelse (match @formReifierReifyHelper _ te with None => fail "none" | Some k => rr <- k tct qff fuel t frees envTerm env (fun qff' t f et e => v <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff' t f et e;; ret (v,noProofDummy)) (fun l qff' t et e => v <- findTermRepresentationNP l fuel qff' t et e;;ret (v,noProofDummy));;let '(trm,_) := rr in ret trm end)
(fail (String.append "Cannot represent form " (string_of_term t))) in match (frees,t) with
(0,(baseLogicConn name nil)) => reifyBaseNP name tct qff nil fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
| (0,(tApp (baseLogicConn name nil) lst)) => reifyBaseNP name tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
| (0,(tApp arg lst)) => if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
(fail (String.append "Cannot represent form " (string_of_term t))) in
let baseCase lst name := reifyBaseNP name tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel) in
match (frees,t) with
(0,(tApp arg lst)) => match matchBaseLogicConn arg (baseCase lst) with Some k => k | None =>
if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qI_P then match popNElements lst 4 with
Some ([fnc;v]) => vr <- recoverVector v;;reifyFormNP fnc tct qff vr envTerm (fun t => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel qff t envTerm env)
| _ => ffail end else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qIff then reifyIffNP tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
else if Checker.eq_term init_graph arg qNot then reifyNotNP tct qff lst fuel envTerm env (findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel) (fun tct => findTermRepresentationNP tct fuel)
else ffail
else ffail end
| (0,tProd x P Q) => if maybeD tct (P) then
tQ <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff (tLambda x P Q) 1 envTerm env;;
ret (tApp qMergeFormForall ([tct;qff;tQ]))
Expand All @@ -692,6 +729,7 @@ Section MainReificationFunctions.
tk <- findPropRepresentationNP tct fuel qff P n envTermSub envSub;;
ret (tk)
else ffail
| (0, term) => match matchBaseLogicConn term (baseCase nil) with Some k => k | None => ffail end
| _ => ffail end end.
End MainReificationFunctions.

Expand Down

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