(W)oad it is a toolkit collects tools for (O)bjective (A)nalysis and (D)iagnosis.
it is prepared for numerical weather prediction and data assimilation related experiments.
- it is welcome to seek and take something useful here
- it is a collection accumulated during my research work, instead of a well-planned standalone project
- in another word, it is written for a narrow purpose (my work), but not wide applications
- although the code and formula are checked, the correctness or any quality is NOT guaranteed when it is used for other purposes
- and, some functions might only work for a specific problem
- this module is greatly based on open-source projects including, numpy, wrf-python, cartopy, and so on. I much appreciate their great work and unselfish conviction.
Zhe-Hui Lin, 2023, This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License