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Release/public v1 Add Introduction to User's Guide (#46)
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* Change branch of regional_workflow from develop to release/public-v1.

* Add "-j 4" to make for a considerable speed-up in the build.

* src/ don't purge on gaea

* - Add RST version of Introduction to UFS SRW App User's Guide
- Add sphinx_rtd_theme to requirements.txt and

Both html and pdf builds succeed.
  • Loading branch information
JulieSchramm authored Oct 29, 2020
1 parent 215bc34 commit da87a57
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Showing 3 changed files with 236 additions and 10 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/UsersGuide/requirements.txt
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@@ -1 +1,2 @@
239 changes: 231 additions & 8 deletions docs/UsersGuide/source/Introduction.rst
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Expand Up @@ -4,20 +4,243 @@

The UFS Short-Range Weather Application (UFS-SR-Weather-App) provides an
end-to-end system to run the pre-processing tasks, the regional `UFS Weather Model
<>`_, and
the Unified Post Processor (:term:`UPP`).
The Unified Forecast System (:term:`UFS`) is a community-based, coupled, comprehensive Earth modeling system.
It is designed to be the source system for NOAA’s operational numerical weather prediction applications
while enabling research, development, and contribution opportunities for the broader weather enterprise.
For more information about the UFS, visit the UFS Portal at

How To Use This Document
The UFS can be configured for multiple applications (see a complete list at The configuration described here is the UFS Short-Range
Weather (SRW) Application, which targets predictions of atmospheric behavior on a limited spatial domain
and on time scales from less than an hour out to several days. The SRW Application v1.0 includes a
prognostic atmospheric model, pre- and post-processing, and a community workflow for running the system
end-to-end, which are documented within the users’ guide and supported through a community forum.
Future work will include expanding the capabilities of the application to include data assimilation
(DA) and a verification package (e.g. METplus) as part of the workflow. This documentation provides an
overview of the release components, a description of the supported capabilities, a quick start guide
for running the application, and information on where to find more information and obtain support.

Pre-processor Utilities and Initial Conditions

The SRW Application includes a number of pre-processing utilities to initialize and prepare the
model for integration. For the limited area model (LAM), it is necessary to first generate a
regional grid ``make_grid`` along with orography ``make_orog`` and surface climatology ``make_sfc_climo``
files on that grid. There are additional utilities included to handle the correct number of halo
points and topography filtering. The ``chgres_cube`` pre-processing software is used to convert
the raw initial condition files to the format needed as input to the FV3-LAM. Additional information
about the UFS pre-processor utilities can be found in the `UFS_UTILS User’s Guide

The SRW Application can be initialized from a range of operational initial condition files. It is
possible to initialize the model from GFS, NAM, RAP, and HRRR files in Gridded Binary v2 (GRIB2)
format for past dates. Please note, for GFS data, dates prior to 1 January 2018 may work but are
not guaranteed. Public archives of model data can be accessed through the National Centers for
Environmental Information (NCEI) or through the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution
System (NOMADS). Raw initial condition files may be pre-staged on disk by the user or automatically
downloaded for specified date ranges by using an online data archive script available in the release.

Forecast Model

The prognostic atmospheric model in the UFS SRW Application is the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere
(:term:`FV3`) dynamical core configured with a Limited Area Model (LAM) capability. The dynamical core
is the computational part of a model that solves the equations of fluid motion. A User’s Guide
for the UFS :term:`Weather Model` is `here <>`_.

Supported model resolutions in this release include a 3-, 13-, and 25-km predefined Contiguous
U.S. (CONUS) domain, all with 64 vertical levels. Preliminary tools for users to define their
own domain are also available in the release with full, formal support of these tools to be
provided in future releases. The Extended Schmidt Gnomonic (ESG) grid is used with the FV3-LAM,
which features relatively uniform grid cells across the entirety of the domain. Additional
information about the FV3 dynamical core can be found `here
<>`_ and on the `NOAA Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics Laboratory website <>`_.

Interoperable atmospheric physics, along with the Noah Multi-parameterization (Noah MP)
Land Surface Model options, are supported through the Common Community Physics Package
(:term:`CCPP`; described `here <>`_).
Atmospheric physics are a set of numerical methods describing small-scale processes such
as clouds, turbulence, radiation, and their interactions. There are two physics options
supported for the release. The first is an experimental physics suite being tested for use
in the future operational implementation of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) planned
for 2023, and the second is an updated version of the physics suite used in the operational
Global Forecast System (GFS) v15. A scientific description of the CCPP parameterizations and
suites can be found in the `CCPP Scientific Documentation <>`_,
and CCPP technical aspects are described in the `CCPP Technical Documentation
<>`_. The model namelist has many settings
beyond the physics options that can optimize various aspects of the model for use with each
of the supported suites.

The UFS SRW App supports the use of both grib2 and :term:`nemsio` input data. The UFS Weather Model
ingests initial and boundary condition files produced by :term:`chgres_cube` and outputs files in
NetCDF format on a specific projection (e.g., Lambert Conformal) in the horizontal and model
levels in the vertical.


The SRW Application is distributed with the Unified Post Processor (:term:`UPP`) included in the
workflow as a way to convert the NetCDF output on the native model grid to GRIB2 format on
standard isobaric vertical coordinates. UPP can also be used to compute a variety of useful
diagnostic fields, as described in the `UPP user’s guide <>`_.

Output from UPP can be used with visualization, plotting, and verification packages, or for
further downstream post-processing, e.g. statistical post-processing techniques.

Visualization Example
A Python script is provided to create basic visualization of the model output. The script
is designed to output graphics in PNG format for 14 standard meteorological variables
when using the pre-defined CONUS domain. In addition, a difference plotting script is included
to visually compare two runs for the same domain and resolution. These scripts are provided only
as an example for users familiar with Python, and may be used to do a visual check to verify
that the application is producing reasonable results.

The scripts are available in the `regional_workflow repository
under ush/Python. Usage information and instructions are included at the top of the script.

Build System and Workflow

The SRW Application has a portable build system and a user-friendly, modular, and
expandable workflow framework.

An umbrella CMake-based build system is used for building the components necessary
for running the end-to-end regional workflow: the UFS Weather Model and the pre- and
post-processing software. Additional libraries (:term:`NCEPLIBS-external` and :term:`NCEPLIBS`) necessary
for the application are not included in the SRW Application build system, but are available
pre-built on configured platforms. There is a small set of system libraries and utilities
that are assumed to be present on the target computer: the CMake build software, a Fortran,
C, and C++ compiler, and MPI library.

Once built, the provided experiment generator script can be used to create a Rocoto-based
workflow file that will run each task in the system (see `Rocoto documentation
<>`_) in the proper sequence.
If Rocoto and/or a batch system is not present on the available platform, the individual
components can be run in a stand-alone, command line fashion with provided run scripts. The
generated namelist for the atmospheric model can be modified in order to vary settings such
as forecast starting and ending dates, forecast length hours, the CCPP physics suite,
integration time step, history file output frequency, and more. It also allows for configuration
of other elements of the workflow; for example, whether to run some or all of the pre-processing,
forecast model, and post-processing steps.

This SRW Application release has been tested on a variety of platforms widely used by
researchers, such as the NOAA Research and Development High-Performance Computing Systems
(RDHPCS), including Hera, Orion, Gaea, and Jet; NOAA’s Weather and Climate Operational
Supercomputing System (WCOSS); the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Cheyenne
system; NSSL’s HPC machine, Odin; the National Science Foundation Stampede2 system; and
generic Linux and macOS systems using Intel and GNU compilers. Four `levels of support
have been defined for the SRW Application, including pre-configured (level 1), configurable
(level 2), limited test platforms (level 3), and build only platforms (level 4). Each
level is further described below.

For the select computational platforms that have been pre-configured (level 1), all the
required libraries for building the SRW Application are available in a central place. That
means bundled libraries (NCEPLIBS) and third-party libraries (NCEPLIBS-external) have both
been built. The SRW Application is expected to build and run out of the box on these
pre-configured platforms and users can proceed directly to the using the workflow, as
described in the Quick Start (:numref:`Chapter %s <Quickstart>`).

A few additional computational platforms are considered configurable for the SRW
Application release. Configurable platforms (level 2) are platforms where all of
the required libraries for building the SRW Application are expected to install successfully,
but are not available in a central place. Applications and models are expected to build
and run once the required bundled libraries (NCEPLIBS) and third-party libraries (NCEPLIBS-external)
are built.

Limited-Test (level 3) and Build-Only (level 4) computational platforms are those in which
the developers have built the code but little or no pre-release testing has been conducted,
respectively. A complete description of the levels of support, along with a list of preconfigured
and configurable platforms can be found in the `SRW Application wiki page

User Support, Documentation, and Contributing Development

A forum-based, online `support system <>`_ with topical sections
provides a centralized location for UFS users and developers to post questions and exchange
information. The forum complements the formal, written documentation, summarized here for ease of
use. A list of available documentation is shown in :numref:`Table %s <list_of_documentation>`.

.. _list_of_documentation:

.. table:: Centralized list of documentation

| **Documentation** | **Location** |
| UFS SRW Application v1.0 | |
| User's Guide | |
| UFS_UTILS v2.0 User's | |
| Guide | |
| UFS Weather Model v2.0 | |
| User's Guide | |
| NCEPLIBS Documentation | |
| NCEPLIBS-external | |
| Documentation | |
| FV3 Documentation | |
| CCPP Scientific | |
| Documentation | |
| CCPP Technical | |
| Documentation | |
| Stochastic Physics | |
| User's Guide | |
| ESMF manual | |
| Unified Post Processor | |

The UFS community is encouraged to contribute to the development effort of all related
utilities, model code, and infrastructure. Issues can be posted in the GitHub repository
for the SRW Application or the relevant subcomponent to report bugs or to announce upcoming
contributions to the code base. For code to be accepted in the authoritative repositories,
the code management rules of each component (described in the User’s Guides listed in
:numref:`Table %s <list_of_documentation>` need to be followed.

Future Direction

Users can expect to see incremental improvements and additional capabilities in upcoming
releases of the SRW Application to enhance research opportunities and support operational
forecast implementations. Planned advancements include:

* A more extensive set of supported developmental physics suites.
* A larger number of pre-defined domains/resolutions and a fully supported capability to create a user-defined domain.
* Inclusion of data assimilation, cycling, and ensemble capabilities.
* A verification package (i.e., METplus) integrated into the workflow.
* Inclusion of stochastic perturbation techniques.

In addition to the above list, other improvements will be addressed in future releases.

How to Use This Document

This guide instructs both novice and experienced users on downloading,
building and running the SR Weather Application.
building and running the SRW Application. Please post questions in the
UFS forum at

.. code-block:: console
Throughout the guide, this presentation style indicates shell
commands and options, fragments of code, namelist variables, etc.
Throughout the guide, this presentation style indicates shell
commands and options, code examples, etc.
.. note::

Variables presented as ``AaBbCc123`` in this document typically refer to variables
in scripts, names of files and directories.

6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions docs/UsersGuide/source/
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Expand Up @@ -78,15 +78,16 @@
exclude_patterns = []

# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = None
pygments_style = 'sphinx'

# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------

# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'classic'
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_theme_path = ["_themes", ]

# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ def setup(app):

# -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------

latex_engine = 'pdflatex'
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
'papersize': 'letterpaper',
Expand Down

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