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Norihiro Watanabe edited this page Jun 19, 2014 · 19 revisions

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Compiling OGS-MKL on envinf1

-1. create a symlink on the same directory level where your OGS5-source directory is located to let them automatically be found by CMake:

ln -s /opt/ogs/ogs5-libs Libs

-2. configure MKL run this:


Connect your Git repository to Subversion (original post)

The following steps are required to synchronize the SVN and git repositories.

$ mkdir sources
$ cd sources
$ git clone
$ git svn init 
$ git config svn.authorsfile ../authors.txt
$ git update-ref refs/remotes/git-svn refs/remotes/origin/master
$ git svn rebase

Now you can sync the current branch (use always the master branch!) to Subversion with git svn dcommit (you may also want to append --dry-run to the command to see what gets synced before you actually sync).

To sync changes from Subversion to Git use git svn rebase.

Commit to SVN repository

It's recommended to push git commits to a SVN repository from a release or develop branch rather than from master as below. This way makes SVN keep commit tree simple (dcommit always changes SHA of the last commit by adding SVN rev.) and store all git commits separately (see here).

$ git checkout my_branch
$ git svn rebase
$ git svn dcommit --add-author-from
$ git checkout master
$ git svn rebase --use-log-author
$ git push master origin
$ git branch -d my_branch

Authors file

Authors file is needed to map commit author names between SVN and git repositories (see here). The following is my ad-hoc list of all the possible authors (some are clearly not authors). Copy and save the following list in authors.txt

hw = Holger Weiss <>
soswald = Sascha Oswald <>
kalbus = Edda Kalbus <>
zehner = Bjoern Zehner <>
tschnick = Thomas Schnicke <>
fhesse = Falk Hesse <>
dkahlenb = Daniel Kahlenberg <>
okolditz = Olaf Kolditz <>
wwang = Wenqinq Wang <>
Wenqing Wang = Wenqinq Wang <>
haibing = Habing Shao <>
pechstei = Armin Pechstein <>
raduflor = Florian Adrian Radu <>
centlerf = Florian Centler <>
watanabe = Norihiro Watanabe <>
delfs = Jens-Olaf Delfs <>
bilke = Lars Bilke <>
fengs = Feng Sun <>
FENGS = Feng Sun <>
goerke = Uwe Jens Goerke <>
wuya = Yajie Wu <>
graebe = Agnes Graebe <>
kalbache = Thomas Kalbacher <>
singha = Ashok Kumar Singh <>
muelleth = Thomas Mueller <>
marxa = Andreas Marx <>
rinkk = Karsten Rink <>
taron = Joshua Taron <>
sun = Yuanyuan Sun <>
fischeth = Thomas Fischer <>
zech = Alraune Zech <>
trauth = Nico Trauth <>
dinizcon = Tatiana Diniz Goncalves <>
lankenau = Lena Lankenau <>
lavergne = Remi Lavergne <>
frenkel = Marcus Frenkel <>
selle = Benny Selle <>
extjulia = Julia Grunwald <>
extmcder = Prof. Christopher McDermott <>
exteichh = Eila Eichhorn <>
extboett = Norbert Boettcher <>
extidiar = Andres Idiart <>
# extwalth = Marc Walther <>
extmauro = Mauro Cacace <>
extxie = Mingliang Xie <>
extcheru = Yvonne Cherubini <>
extmarco = Marco de Lucia <>
extbloec = Guido Bloecher <>
extkempk = Thomas Kempka <>
exthokr = Milan Hokr <>
extfranc = Joachim Francke <>
extwu = Wenjie Xu <>
extnowak = Thomas Nowak <>
extyoon = Jeoung Seok Yoon <>
extkunz = Herbert Kunz <>
extshao = Hua Shao <>
exttian = Hong Tian <>
extratei = Matthias Rateitzak <>
extstadl = Susanne Stadler <>
extnakar = Kenichiro Nakarai <>
extkosak = Georg Kosakowski <>
exthayek = Mohamed Hayek <>
extroewe = Oliver Roewer <>
extbauer = Sebastian Bauer <>
extli = Dedong Li <>
extkunth = Wolfgang Kunther <>
extgraup = Bastian Graupner <>
extfahrn = Sven Fahrner <>
extbeyec = Christof Beyer <>
extlee = Youngsoo Lee <>
extneset = Kamil Nesetril <>
extpicho = Geraldine Pichot <>
exthou = Michael Hou <>
extbecht = Michel Bechtold <>
# extganze = Leohard Ganzer <>
# extgraf = Thomas Graf <>
extjang = Wonyong Jang <>
# extruten = Michael Rutenberg <>
extecker = Dominik Eckert <>
# exthornb = Goetz Hornbruch <>
extaltep = Peter Alt-Epping <>
extengli = Myles English <>
exthamid = Nick Hamid <>
# extseide = Martin Seidel <>
extkrug = Stefanie Krug <>
extnowat = Thomas Nowak <>
# extdursi = Jonathan Dursi <>
# extdevri = Luis Manuel de Vries <>
extwuy = Yajie Wu <>
# extsoehl = Dennis Soehl <>
extkoldi = Bastian Kolditz <>
extschaa = Annika Schaefers <>
extpark = Chan-Hee Park <>
# extlippm = Johanna Lippmann-Pipke <>
# extichik = Prof. Yasuaki Ichikawa <>
Lars Bilke = Lars Bilke <>
Thomas Fischer = Thomas Fischer <>
Haibing Shao = Haibing Shao <>
Thomas Kalbacher = Thomas Kalbacher <>
Olaf Kolditz = Olaf Kolditz <>
Dr. Olaf Kolditz = Olaf Kolditz <>
Karsten Rink = Karsten Rink <>
Norihiro Watanabe = Norihiro Watanabe <>
(no author) = no_author <no_author@no_author>
Yanliang Du = Yanliang Du <unknown@email>
Matthias Hess = Matthias Hess <unknown@email>
Martin Beinhorn = Martin Beinhorn <unknown@email>
Cui Chen = Cui Chen <unknown@email>
Chan-Hee Park = Chan-Hee Park <unknown@email>
park = Chan-Hee Park <unknown@email>
Mingliang Xie = Mingliang Xie <unknown@email>
Chris McDermott = Chris McDermott <unknown@email>
Georg Kosakowski = Georg Kosakowski <unknown@email>
Panagiotis Adamidis = Panagiotis Adamidis <unknown@email>
Jan Gronewold = Jan Gronewold <unknown@email>
Robert Walsh = Robert Walsh <unknown@email>
Sebastian Bauer = Sebastian Bauer <unknown@email>
Jens-Olaf Delfs = Jens-Olaf Delfs <unknown@email>
Norbert Boettcher = Norbert Boettcher <>
Magdalena Kempa = Magdalena Kempa <unknown@email>
Myles English = Myles English <unknown@email>
Ashok Kumar Singh = Ashok Kumar Singh <unknown@email> 
Ashok Singh = Ashok Kumar Singh <unknown@email> 
Feng Sun = Feng Sun <unknown@email>
Yajie Wu = Yajie Wu <unknown@email>
Marco De Lucia = Marco De Lucia <unknown@email>
Hong Tian = Hong Tian <unknown@email>
Uwe-Jens Goerke = Uwe-Jens Goerke <>
Remi Lavergne = Remi Lavergne <unknown@email>
Joshua Taron = Joshua Taron <unknown@email>
nagelt = Thomas Nagel <>
waltherm = Marc Walther <>
boettche = Norbert Boettcher <> 
extpfeif = Unknown <unknown@email>
extmassm = Unknown <unknown@email>
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