Are you a werewolf?
- Redis
- MongoDB >= 3.2
- Copy the source code
- `git clone git://`
- Install dependencies
- `cd jinrou`
- `npm install`
- Configure
- `cp -r config.default config`
- edit `config/`
- Build front-end scripts
- `cd front`
- `npm install`
- `npm run production-build`
- `cd ..`
- Run databases
- run MongoDB
- run redis
- Run the application serverj
- SS_ENV=production SS_PACK=1 node app.js
To run in development mode, just run `node app.js`.
Built assets will be placed at `client/static/front-assets`. Also, intermediate files are placed at `front/dist-esm`.
Building procedures are cpu- and memory- expensive. If you do not want to build on your server, you can build locally and copy the results to the server.
For development, use `npm run watch` in the `front/` directory to keey updating the front-end assets.
In production mode, contents of `client/static/front-assets/` can be served with `Cache-Control: immutable`. This will increace the effect of caches.
Optionally, one can use Docker to run the jinrou service.
The `Dockerfile` file and `docker` directory are only for this purpose.
To build the docker image for jinrou, run `docker build .` in the project directory. `Dockerfile` defines the image.
To run jinrou in an isolated environment using docker-compose, enther `docker` directory and run `docker-compose up --build`. This starts the jinrou docker image along with mongodb and redis Docker containers. The `docker/config.docker` directory contains a config file for running jinrou in this environment.
- 村人
- 占い師
- 霊能者
- 狂人
- 狩人
- 共有者
- 埋毒者
- 人狼
- 妖狐
- 埋毒者
- 大狼
- 子狐
- こうもり
- 貴族
- 奴隷
- 魔術師
- スパイ
- 人狼占い
- 逃走者
- 商人
- 女王感戦者
- 狂人狼
- 嘘つき
- スパイⅡ
- コピー
- 独裁者
- 予言者のママ
- 罠師
- 狼少年
- 王様
- 看板娘
- 慎重な狼
- 決定者
- 権力者
- 死神の手帳
- 闇鍋
- 一部闇鍋
- 量子人狼