Jetpack compose layouts do not (yet) have resource-ids. You do not want to use xpath etc. location strategies. So uiautomator2 can not handle this yet:
"platformName": "android",
"appium:automationName": "uiautomator2",
"appium:app": "",
"appium:fullReset": true
Jetpack compose layouts can set testTag
(visible to appium via -android viewtag
location strategy).
Use espresso driver and switch it to new "compose mode".
Espresso driver can not be built with current stable appium@1.22.3, but can be built built with appium@beta.
"platformName": "android",
"appium:automationName": "espresso",
"appium:forceEspressoRebuild": true,
"appium:showGradleLog": true,
"appium:espressoBuildConfig": "{ \"toolsVersions\": { \"compileSdk\": \"32\", \"kotlin\": \"1.6.10\" }, \"additionalAppDependencies\": [ \"androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling:1.1.1\" ] }",
"appium:app": "",
"appium:settings[driver]": "compose",
"appium:fullReset": true