Tiny lib to show "Rate my app" alert for macOS and iOS apps.
iOS(?), MacOS(>=12)
- Ability to set minimal amount of app launches before yout app perform request to rate your app
- --//-- minimum days of usage --//--
- Do not ask to rate your app if this version already was rated by user
- Ability to open standard "Rate Me" alert OR open "Rate me" popup inside of AppStore window
- Ability to work with custom View logic like "Show "Rate my app" button only if rate is needed"
- Ability to set additional custom rules for "rate is needed" state :)
//init custom AppDelegate
import SwiftUI
struct FocusitoApp: App {
@NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
var body: some Scene {
//init AppRater on DidFinishLaunching
inside of AppDelegate
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
static var shared: AppDelegate!
var appRater: IAppRater!
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
AppDelegate.shared = self
// if we do not need custom display alert logic
//appRater = IAppRater(minLaunches: 10,
// minDays: 15,
// rateWndType: .standardAlert
// if we need custom display logic
appRater = IAppRater(minLaunches: 10,
minDays: 15,
other: { _ in Stats.shared.sessions.count > 100 },
rateWndType: .standardAlert
// if we need to show request on app run:
// appRater.requestIfNeeded()
// and other code does not needed
// We can locate button to open some panel
struct MainView : View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
if AppDelegate.shared.appRater.isNeededToRate() {
Button("Rate my app") { model.showBottomPanel.toggle() }
// We can locate button to show "Rate my app" alert
struct MainView : View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
if AppDelegate.shared.appRater.isNeededToRate() {
Button("Rate my app") { AppDelegate.shared.appRater.requestIfNeeded() }
// We can open standard OS's alert
// Or we can call appStore's alert "Rate my app"
appRater = IAppRater(...., rateWndType: .appStoreWnd(appId: "1473808464") )
appRater = IAppRater(minLaunches: 2,
minDays: 2,
other: { me in // 0
(MainViewModel.shared.appState == .Idle || MainViewModel.shared.appState == .Paused) && // 1
Stats.shared.sessions.map{ $0.duration }.sum() > TimeInterval(hrs: 5) && // 2
me.lastReviewDate == nil // 3
rateWndType: .appStoreWnd(appId: "1473808464")
- min app launches = 2
- min days after first app launch = 3
- 0 - me = input of IAppRater's "self" for using some properties if needed for some custom purposes with them
- 1 - if application state is .idle or .paused
- 2 - if some sessions duration is larger than 5 hrs
- 3 - if user have never did rate the app. But if he is rated at least once - never show "rate app" button to user