Install as usual, see this for further information.
Configure the filename tokens at admin/islandora/tools/islandora_datastream_filenamer (user needs to have "Administer Site Configuration" permission). Select any of the tokens to create the filename pattern. Any of the tokens can be used, but a section pertaining to Fedora Datastreams contains tokens that can be replaced with the specific values from the datastream or the object that the datastream belongs to. These contain: Datastream's ID [dsfilename:id], Datastream's label [dsfilename:ds-label], Extension from Datastream's Mimetype [dsfilename:fileextension], Fedora object PID [dsfilename:pid], Fedora object label [dsfilename:label], Fedora object namespace [dsfilename:namespace], Fedora short PID [dsfilename:shortpid].
The filename pattern can contain any separation characters (that are legal in a filename) such as: [dsfilename:id]_[dsfilename:label].[dsfilename:fileextension] results in filenames like: "MODS_Records of First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Pittsburgh, Pa.), 1837-1975.xml"
[dsfilename:id]__[current-user:ip-address]_[current-date:custom:Ymd].[dsfilename:fileextension] results in filenames like: "DC__130.49.185.138_20170413.xml".
Any special characters that can not be used for a filename are replaced with a "-" character.
Written by Willow Gillingham for the University of Pittsburgh. Copyright (c) University of Pittsburgh.
Released under a license of GPL v2 or later.