Mopidy that Findable - Mopidy Frontend for a Thousand Songs.
Mopidy is a Great Music Server, It is very small and works every-linuxes.
But, If you add a thousand songs, it will be difficult to find the album you are looking for.
This app makes and holds the relationship data for Genres / Artists / Albums.
You will soon find the song you are looking for!
- Windows10 (only x64 platform)
- Any Linux on x64
- RaspberryPi (Raspbian November 2018 or later)
- Mopidy (Running on your LAN, It doesn't have to run on the same device as Mopidy.Finder.)
- Mopidy-Local-Images
- Mopidy-Local-Sqlite (recommended, not required)
- Download Zip-Archived Installer.
- Unzip archived-files.
- Run 'setup.exe', to Install your system.
- Run 'Start Mopidy Finder' on your Desktop Shoptcut and little wait, it wake up Browser.
- Once started, The icon is added to your task tray.
- Show, Start and Stop, Right-click the icon to display a list for each operation.
- Download Tar-Archive for your platform.
for Raspberry-Pi: linux-arm-v1.3.tar.gz
for any linux-x64: linux-x64-v1.3.tar.gz
# wget
- Extract archive to your Install Folder: ex) /var/mopidyfinder
# sudo mkdir /var/mopidyfinder
# sudo tar xvzf ./linux-arm-v1.3.tar.gz -C /var/mopidyfinder
# sudo chown pi:pi -R /var/mopidyfinder
# sudo chmod 755 -R /var/mopidyfinder
Set your Firewall, Open TCP 6690 ports.
Start on Command-Line.
# cd /var/mopidyfinder
# ./MopidyFinder
Access device-ipaddress:6690 from your browser.
If Start on Systemd, add 'mopidyfinder.service' to /etc/systemd/system/, like:
enabling service:
# sudo systemctl enable mopidyfinder
starting service:
# sudo systemctl start mopidyfinder
check status:
# sudo systemctl status mopidyfinder
● mopidyfinder.service - Mopidy.Finder - Mopidy that Findable
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mopidyfinder.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-07-31 15:34:34 JST; 26s ago
Main PID: 21102 (MopidyFinder)
CGroup: /system.slice/mopidyfinder.service
mq21102 /var/mopidyfinder/MopidyFinder
7月 31 15:34:48 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: 2019-07-31 15:34:48.0929|10103|WARN|Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query|Query: '(from Settin
7月 31 15:34:52 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: Hosting environment: Production
7月 31 15:34:52 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: Content root path: /var/mopidyfinder
7月 31 15:34:52 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: Now listening on: http://[::]:6690
7月 31 15:34:52 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
7月 31 15:34:53 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: 2019-07-31 15:34:53.1781|10102|WARN|Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query|Query: '(from Album
7月 31 15:34:53 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: 2019-07-31 15:34:53.7283|20500|WARN|Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query|The LINQ expression
7月 31 15:34:53 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: 2019-07-31 15:34:53.7493|20500|WARN|Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query|The LINQ expression
7月 31 15:34:53 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: 2019-07-31 15:34:53.7581|20500|WARN|Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query|The LINQ expression
7月 31 15:34:53 raspberrypi mopidyfinder[21102]: 2019-07-31 15:34:53.8376|20500|WARN|Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query|The LINQ expression
If it NOT Works, Install .Net Core 2.2 Runtime to your platform.
...I'm only checking that the binary running correctly.
I don't know how to make the app work as a service.
Please let me know!
When Mopidy can not be found in local, a setup form comes out.
Enter your Mopidy address.
If App find your Mopidy, Data initialization for the app will be performed.
Data initialization may take some time depending on the number of songs, or app running device.
If possible, leave it for a night or so after initialization.
The album-scanning is finished, It can be used comfortably.