By using github actions, github pages and jekyll I made myself a public bookmark service you can see it here
every link in my "bookmarks" is a jekyll post, posts just directing you to url at the yaml so markdown files are only yaml frontmatter without content.
Pushing a new markdown file to _posts folder fires a github action that build the jekyll blog and update the github page.
here is the yaml
layout: post
title: Title of the link
summary: a short description
tags: tags seperated with space
I'm not using this for all my bookmarks but I have some bookmark generation tools I have like a bash script, a static html form and a siri shortcut for sharing links directly from mobile browser (in this case Firefox but shorcut works with any browser.)
The one I use most is a bash script I come up from some internet searching.
This bash script just ask title, link, summary, and tags then generate a md file with proper format
date and title seperated with dashes, like this ""
Here is the bashscript
echo "title: "
read title
echo "link: "
read link
echo "summary: "
read sum
echo "tags: "
read tags
ptitle=${title// /-}
plc=`echo "$ptitle" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
pdate=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
touch $filename
echo -e "---
layout: post
title: $title
link: $link
summary: $sum
tags: $tags
---\n" > $filename
echo "link created"
cd /Users/mac/links
git add .
git commit -m "new link"
git push
echo "new link posted"
And here is the static form I use to generate markdown files with proper name and frontmatter. Its just a static html file with a download button that generate md file for you to save in your _posts folder. based on this page.
For sending links from my mobile phone running iOS I'm using this siri shortcut to generate a markdown file in _posts folder on dropbox. If you want to use it just change the "destination Path" to your own path.
Some useful links:
My theme is based on thistheme
Jekyll documentation about using github actions for jekyll.
post code sample adapted from form to text