consul_catalog - enables serving A resources for tagged consul services.
This plugin reads services from the Consul Catalog, and serves A records from them when tagged with coredns.enabled
. A list of services can also be served from Consul's KV.
⚠️ While running in my home cluster for 3+ years, this is still unstable, alpha software with limited test coverage and a very narrow feature set (that's not likely to change, though).
Grab a build from the releases, or follow these instructions (tl;dr; add
to CoreDNS' plugin.cfg
and make coredns
). An example Ansible role for installing on a Ubiquiti Edgerouter can be found at unRob/nidito.
consul_catalog [TAGS...]
TAG defaults to coredns.enabled
, and only services tagged with this exact value will be served by this plugin.
consul_catalog [TAGS...] {
# the hostname and port to reach consul at
endpoint URL
# to enable tls encryption, might need your cluster's CA certificates installed!
scheme https
# a consul ACL token
token TOKEN
# ACL configuration
acl_metadata_tag META_TAG
# Service proxy allows static services to target a Catalog service
# Services can have multiple names
alias_metadata_tag META_TAG_NAME
# Or be fetched from the KV store at a path or prefix (ending in /)
static_entries_path CONSUL_KV_PATH
static_entries_prefix CONSUL_KV_PREFIX/
# finally, records served can be attached with a default ttl
ttl TTL
) specifies the host and port where to find consul catalog.token
specifies the token to authenticate with the consul service, having at least .acl_metadata_tag
) specifies the Consul Metadata tag to read ACL rules from. An ACL rule looks like:allow network1; deny network2
. Rules are interpreted in order of appearance. If specified, requests will only receive answers when their IP address corresponds to any of the allowedacl_zone
s' CIDR ranges for a service.acl_zone
adds an ACL zone named ZONE_NAME with corresponding ZONE_CIDR range(s).service_proxy
If specified, services tagged with PROXY_TAG will respond with the address for PROXY_SERVICE instead.alias_metadata_tag
) specifies the Consul Metadata tag to read aliases to setup for service. Aliases are semicolon separated dns prefixes that reply with the same target as the original service. For example:coredns-alias = "*.myservice; client.myservice"
. Aliases that begin with*.
, are treated as a wildcard prefix that will match any sub-domains of thezone
(and/or dots after the*.
If specified, consul's kv store will be queried at CONSUL_KV_PATH and specified entries will be served before querying for catalog records. The value at CONSUL_KV_PATH must contain json following this schema:{ "staticService": { // matches staticService.{coredns_zone} "target": "serviceA", // the name of a service registered with consul "acl": ["allow network1", "deny network2"], // a list of ACL rules "aliases": ["*.static"] // a list of other names that should also reply with this service's info }, "myServiceProxyService": { "target": "@service_proxy", // a run-time alias for service_proxy's PROXY_SERVICE "acl": ["allow network1"] }, "my-a-record": { "addresses": [""], // static addresses for this name; no `target` is provided, "acl": ["allow network1"] } }
If specified, consul's kv store will be queried for all keys under CONSUL_KV_PREFIX and found entries will be served before querying for catalog records. The keys at CONSUL_KV_PREFIX must contain json-encoded values following this schema:{ "target": "serviceC", // the name of a service registered with consul "acl": ["allow network1", "deny network2"], // a list of ACL rules "aliases": ["", ""], // test in prod or live a lie // "addresses": [""] // static addresses for this name, if no `target` was provided }
) specifies the TTL in golang duration strings returned for matching service queries.
This plugin reports readiness to the ready plugin. This will happen after it has synced to the Consul Catalog API.
Handle all the queries in the
zone, first by looking into hosts, then consul, and finally a zone file. Queries for services in the catalog at consul.service.consul:8500
with a coredns.enabled
tag will be answered with the addresses for $
. If the service also includes a traefik.enabled
tag, queries will be answered with the addresses for traefik.service.consul
. {
hosts {
consul_catalog coredns.enabled {
address localhost:8501
scheme https
// Enable ACL
acl_metada_tag coredns-consul
// A service with `coredns-acl = "trusted" will only reply to clients in the listed cidr ranges
acl_zone trusted
acl_zone guests
acl_zone iot
acl_zone public
static_entries_path dns-records
static_entries_prefix dns/records/
ttl 10m
# if a SOA is specified in this file, it'll be added
# to responses from consul services
file zones/
consul {
# Forward all requests to consul
forward . {
policy sequential
. {
forward .
Services registered in the catalog and tagged with TAG
will be served by this plugin. If acl_metadata_tag
was configured in coredns, services must also provide that key as part of it's metadata.
// Catalog access requires reading service and node data
service_prefix "" {
policy = "read"
node_prefix "" {
policy = "read"
// When using static_entries_(path|prefix), access to the given path/prefix should be granted
// for a path:
key "dns-records" {
policy = "read"
// for a prefix:
key_prefix "dns/records" {
policy = "read"