Rust implementation of a Decentralized Web Node.
The DWN spec is a work-in-progress and often out of date from other implementations, so it is treated more as a loose guide rather than an absolute set of rules to follow.
use dwn::{
core::{message::{descriptor::{RecordsReadBuilder, RecordsWriteBuilder}, mime::TEXT_PLAIN}, reply::Reply},
use xdid::methods::key::{p256::P256KeyPair, DidKeyPair, PublicKey};
async fn main() {
// Create a local in-memory DWN.
let store = NativeDbStore::new_in_memory().unwrap();
let mut dwn = Dwn::from(store);
// Create a new did:key.
let key = P256KeyPair::generate();
let did = key.public().to_did();
// Create an actor to sign messages on behalf of our DID.
let mut actor = Actor::new(did.clone());
actor.auth_key = Some(key.clone().into());
actor.sign_key = Some(key.into());
// Prepare to write a new record to the DWN.
let mut msg = RecordsWriteBuilder::default()
.data(TEXT_PLAIN, "Hello, world!".as_bytes().to_vec())
let record_id = msg.record_id.clone();
// Authorize the message using the actor.
actor.authorize(&mut msg).unwrap();
// Process the message at our DID's DWN.
dwn.process_message(&did, msg.clone()).await.unwrap();
// We can now read the record using its ID.
let read = RecordsReadBuilder::new(record_id.clone())
let reply = dwn.process_message(&did, read).await.unwrap();
let found = match reply {
Some(Reply::RecordsRead(r)) => r.entry.unwrap(),
_ => panic!("invalid reply"),
assert_eq!(found, msg);