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Template API (node/express/inversify/typescript/postgres)

A template/boilerplate for starting a simple REST API.

Written using Node.js/Express.js/Inversify.js/TypeScript, following the Domain-Driven Design approach.

Data is persisted using PostgreSQL, without an ORM. Connection to the database is made through the pg library, and all access to data happens via parameterized stored functions. The database owner and the database app user are separate, with proper access levels.


Example endpoints have been setup.

  • POST v1/examples
  • GET v1/examples/{id}
  • PUT v1/examples/{id}
  • DELETE v1/examples/{id}


Install the correct version of Node.js specified in the package.json file.


HashiCorp Vagrant is used to make setting up a development database quick and easy. Download and install Vagrant.

From the root directory of this project, run the vagrant up command to create and configure a Vagrant VM running PostgreSQL. Once the development database is running, run the npm run flyway command to download Flyway. Next, run the npm run migrate command to apply database migrations. Migration files are located in ./src/data/migrations.

vagrant up
npm run flyway
npm run migrate

If needed, connect to the development database via psql as the user dbowner:

PGUSER=dbowner PGPASSWORD=dbpass psql -h localhost -p 15432 apidb

If needed, rollback all database migrations by first connecting to the database via psql as the user dbowner (instructions above) and then run these SQL commands. After this, all migrations can be applied fresh.

DROP TABLE flyway_schema_history;

Env vars

The following environment variables with development values provide an example of the environment variables required in production. Environment variable values may be set in the /etc/environment file on a Linux host system:

export NODE_ENV="development"
export API_PORT="1138"
export API_DB_USER="dbuser"
export API_DB_OWNER="dbowner"
export API_DB_HOST="localhost"
export API_DB_DATABASE="apidb"
export API_DB_PASSWORD="dbpass"
export API_DB_PORT="15432"
export API_DB_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15432/apidb"
export API_DB_MIGRATIONS="filesystem:./src/data/migrations"
export API_LOG_TARGETS="trace.log+%json,stdout:warn%simple"

In a linux host system remember to log out and back in after adding environment variables to the /etc/environment file.


Install NPM dependencies from the root directory.

npm install


When you're ready to see it in action, run the npm run develop command to start the API. This will run both the npm run build command to compile the TypeScript into plain JavaScript, and the npm run start command to run that compiled JavaScript.

npm run develop


During development, here are some additional optional helpful script commands.

Run the npm run updates command to update the dependencies in package.json using npm-check-updates.

Run the npm run prettier command to format the source code using the Prettier opinionated styling.

Run the npm run linter command to identify and report ESLint code pattern findings.

Prettier and ESLint can also be run automatically as IDE extensions.

Not included

  • Authentication and authorization - A session endpoint along with something like a JWT middleware can be added to achieve authentication and authorization.


A base template for a very simple API using Node.js and TypeScript






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