Process PeruSat-1 primary scenes into calibrated, orthorectified and pansharpened images.
This package allows you to process PeruSat-1 primary scenes. You can perform the following processing steps:
- Radiometric calibration (top-of-atmosphere)
- Orthorectification
- Pansharpening
It depends on Orfeo Toolbox and some Python packages:
- rasterio
- xmltodict
perusat_calibrate: Calibrates image to top-of-atmosphere (ToA).
perusat_orthorectify: Adds projection and RPC tags to an image from its metadata files, and then orthorectifies it using the RPC data and a DEM image. If no DEM is provided, a DEM from SRTM is used (1-arc second / 30m aprox GSD).
perusat_pansharpen: Bundles a pancromatic (P) and multispectral (MS) image to form a pansharpened image.
perusat_process: Given a path to a PeruSat-1 product, it peforms all required steps to form a single calibrated, orthorectified and pansharpened image. Final output can be a virtual raster or a tiff file.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.0a1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see