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How to Add Support For a GL

Sterling (Jay) Scott edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 5 revisions


Adding support for a GL means that a user can effective take a language such as Hindi, and use it to check with our app on a different target language. We have came up with a term for this called making a GLRP(Gateway Language Resource Pack). In effect using a different language as a GLRP is basically localization on a whole other level. This type of localization consist of two things: UI strings, and Content. Because not only will a user need to use that apps functionality in the GL(They could technically use the TL for UI) but also check in it. Once those resources are translated in the GL then a user can format them in a way that tC understands and load it into the app.


UI strings

  • Separate Wiki: here


  • The content is all available in english to be translated. There is currently no tool to guide someone through making those translations to each bit of content. A tool could be used for this in the future to expedite the process.


  • The tC team will need to create an entry point for developers to import custom GLRP in to the app.
  • The provided folder would have to be structured as below

Example English GLRP


My Resource Package Name
└─── strings
│   │   strings.csv
└─── bibles
│   └─── udb-en
│   │   └─── v9
│   │       └─── groups
│   │               └─── 1ch
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   │                └─── 1co
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   │
│   └─── ugnt
│   │   └─── v0
│   │       └─── groups
│   │              └─── 1ch
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   │                └─── 1co
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   └─── uhb
│   │   └─── v9
│   │       └─── groups
│   │              └─── 1ch
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   │                └─── 1co
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   └─── ulb-en
│        └─── v6
│   │       └─── groups
│   │              └─── 1ch
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
│   │                └─── 1co
│   │                │   1.json
│   │                │   2.json
│   │                │   ...
└─── lexicons
│   └─── en-UGL
│   │   └─── v0
│   │       └─── content
│   │               │   1.json
│   │               │   2.json
│   │               │   ...
│   └─── en-UHL
│         └─── v0
│              └─── content
│                      │   1.json
│                      │   2.json
│                      │   ...
└─── translationHelps
       └─── translationNotes
       │   └─── v0
       │         └─── groups
       │                └─── 1ch
       │                │   figs_123person.json
       │                │   figs_activepassive.json
       │                │   ...
       │                └─── 1co
       │                │   figs_123person.json
       │                │   figs_activepassive.json
       │                │   ...
       │                 ...
       └─── translationAcademy
       │   └─── v0
       │          └─── content
       │          │    │
       │          │    │
       │          │    │   ...
       │          └─── index.json
       └─── translationWords
             └─── v0
                    └─── groups
                    │   └─── 1ch
                    │   │
                    │   │
                    │   └─── 1co
                    │   │
                    │   │
                    │   │   ...
                    └─── content
                    │   │
                    │   │
                    │   │   ...
                    └─── index.json