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TSD API Client

Transport files and directories, no limits on size or amount, resumable by default, synchronise if needed.


pip3 install tsd-api-client
pip3 install tsd-api-client --upgrade # to get the latest version


Get started with tacl:

tacl --guide topics # to see all guides available
tacl --help

Set up shell completion:

# for Bash, in ~/.bashrc:
eval "$(_TACL_COMPLETE=source_bash tacl)"

# for Zsh, in ~/.zshrc:
eval "$(_TACL_COMPLETE=source_zsh tacl)"

# for Fish, in ~/.config/fish/completions/
eval (env _TACL_COMPLETE=source_fish tacl)

Running in a container

You can run the container like this:

$ podman run --rm -ti
tacl --help, for basic help
tacl --guide topics, for extended help

The container entrypoint is tacl, meaning you can pass runtime parameters to the image as if you were running tacl on your host.

$ podman run --rm -ti --version
tacl v3.5.13
- OS/Arch: Linux/aarch64
- Python: 3.12.2

You should bind mount a writable volume to /config/tacl in the container, so that your configuration and session data persists between separate invocation.

$ podman run --rm -ti -v $HOME/.config/tacl:/config/tacl --register
Choose the API environment by typing one of the following numbers:
1 - for normal production usage
2 - for use over fx03 network
3 - for testing
4 - for Educloud normal production usage
5 - for Educloud testing

Likely you will also want to bind mount in another volume to upload data from or write exported data to.

$ podman run --rm -ti \
    -v $HOME/.config/tacl:/config/tacl \
    -v $PWD:/data \
    p11 --upload /data/
/data/ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00