UniChainJS is a javascript library to work with Unichain network. It provides essential functions to manage a wallet, deploy smart contracts, build transactions, broadcast transactions to the network
Detailed document and API list can be found at the Developer page
- Install Unichain-JS by
npm install @uniworld/unichain-js
- Import to javascript file
const UniChainJS = require('@uniworld/unichain-js')
- Start using library
const UnichainJS = require('@uniworld/unichain-js')
//initiate unichainjs
const unichain = new Unichain({
fullHost: '',
privateKey: 'your_private_key'
//check if it is connected
unichain.isConnected((err, data) => {
if (err) return
console.log('Connected to network')
//Generate account
const account = unichain.utils.accounts.generateAccount()
address: {
base58: 'UYdL2g5bbYmkDTSywSfNRhAmCJJGHyUbEk',
hex: '4474BFBC5DED85E491E3332FE285D58EEDFE365EDF'
//Get transaction
unichain.api.getTransaction(txid, (err, tx) => {
console.log('Transaction:', tx)
//Build transaction offline and sending coin
const amount = 1000
const fromAddress = 'UZQWseP7WEN1R3nukDtLksukSduCvB19eT'
const toAddress = 'UabADyuooKUrVgzzfiH8Q7LpDX7wKpd54t'
const data = {
to_address: unichain.address.toHex(toAddress),
owner_address: unichain.address.toHex(fromAddress),
amount: amount
//private key of fromAddress
const testPriKey = '45438936af44f337242b9823df58aed1af559682c2dbc2f40205d2124e9c1133'
const unsingedTx = await unichain.currentProviders().fullNode.request('wallet/createtransaction', data, 'post')
const signedTx = await unichain.api.signTransaction(unsingedTx, testPriKey, 0)
const res = await unichain.api.sendRawTransaction(signedTx)
//Working with smart contract - for example simple coin smart contract
const contractAddress = 'UdVXfqQ4HAdvCoDqBc8zFjA49NfwvAfS7c'
const contract = unichainJs.contract()
const loadContract = await contract.at(contractAddress)
const balance = await contract.getBalance('US4CaJ5GPEg4teYiAhNTe53pSW4QN7QrDb').call()
let res = await contract.sendCoin('UQZjUw5S87G9DsmNFoMPGuaGLJwkxWuUfV', 10).send()