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Javafx scaffolding, built on JDK17 + JavaFX21 + controlsfx 11.x.x + Maven
Frame and login are basic modules, which are pluggable through java SPI to facilitate the integration of application modules. demo is the provided example module.
- docs: Documentation (built with docsify)
- frame: Application main UI framework (provide SPI interface)
- core: Application core components, including some common functions
- login: Login module (provides SPI interface)
- demo: demo example (based on controlsfx demo transformation)
- common: Common component module, used by application modules
- smc, qe, cg: Personal application (no reference required)
- TemplateLoaderService: Freemarker TemplateLoader loads, subclass implementation to add the template path of the submodule
- GroovyLoaderService: Groovy script path loading, subclass implementation to add submodule script path
- FXSamplerProject: Project information, including project name, module, package name, welcome page, etc.
- MenubarConfigration: Menu bar configuration
- FXSamplerConfiguration: Project style, title and icon configuration
- CenterPanelService: Node configuration in the central area, including the interface when clicking and switching components
- SplashScreen: Splash screen image
- SamplePostProcessorService: Sample post-processing
- VersionCheckerService: Version update check
- SamplesTreeViewConfiguration: Menu tree configuration
- BannerPrinterService: Start Banner
- EasterEggService: Easter Egg
- LoginCheck: Login verification
The build commands require the installation and setup of Java 17 or higher and Maven version 3.5.4 or higher.
- IDEA artifact packaging
Configuration: Project Structure -> Artifacts -> Add New JAR -> Extract to Target JAR -> Choose your own manifest file path -> Done
Package: Build -> Build Artifacts -> Build - It is recommended to package through
mvn package
The integrations (nightly) build jobs are hosted on Jenkins instance https://jenkins.tlcsdm.com/job/javafxtool/
If you have any questions, you can send an email to liang.tang.cx@gmail.com