Releases: unknowndomain/streamdeck-obs-plus
- New multiview button
- Buttons are drawn programmatically
- Blackout buttons when disconnected and revert when connected
First release
Non-studio mode
Although this plugin is intended only for studio mode use it is annoying that the buttons don't work when not in studio mode, so it now tracks which mode you are in and operates correctly when on non-studio mode.
Connection & Reconnection
The plugin no longer has any timers for connecting and reconnecting, connection happens:
- When the plugin is launched (installed or StreamDeck software is launched.
- When a button is pressed and the connection is closed it will quickly reconnect and simulate the button press again or display an error.
- When the property inspector is opened
The result is that it never tried to reconnect when the connection is lost but it shouldn't add more than about 25ms delay to a button press if it has to reconnect, I felt this was better as the WebSocket never really drops once established and during setup it of a stream you'd usually test all the buttons anyway so the chances of a live button press not working and adding 25ms is pretty minmal.
Fix semver