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Makefile parsing library for Go


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Makefile parsing and utilities in Go



The make.Parser is the primary way to read Makefiles.

f := os.Open("Makefile")
p := make.NewParser(f, nil)

m, err := p.ParseFile()


The more primitive make.Scanner and make.ScanTokens used by make.Parser can be used individually.

Using make.ScanTokens with a bufio.Scanner

f := os.Open("Makefile")
s := bufio.NewScanner(f)

for s.Scan() {
  s.Bytes() // The current token byte slice i.e. []byte(":=")
  s.Text() // The current token as a string i.e. ":="

Using make.Scanner

f := os.Open("Makefile")
s := make.NewScanner(f, nil)

for pos, tok, lit := s.Scan(); tok != token.EOF; {
  fmt.Println(pos) // The position of tok
  fmt.Println(tok) // The current token.Token i.e. token.SIMPLE_ASSIGN
  fmt.Println(lit) // Literal tokens as a string i.e. "identifier"

if err := s.Err(); err != nil {


Use make.Fprint to write ast nodes.

var file *ast.File

n, err := make.Fprint(os.Stdout, file)

The make.Writer can be used to incrementally write make syntax to an io.Writer.

buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := make.NewWriter(buf)

n, err := w.WriteRule(&ast.Rule{})


The builder package contains utilities for building AST nodes.

f := builder.NewFile(1,

make.Fprint(os.Stdout, f)
// target1 ${FOO}:\n


Syntax Support

Makefile syntax that is guaranteed to round-trip (parse and print without modification) is listed in ./testdata/roundtrip. Additional syntax is supported and may round-trip successfully, but no guarentees are provided until it is listed under ./testdata/roundtrip.

Syntax Example Parser Printer Builder Remarks
newline escaping \trecipe text\\ncontinued on next line
newline separated elements target:\n\ntarget2:
top-level comments # comment text
comment groups # comment text\n# more comment text
rule comments target: # comment text
recipe comments target:\n\trecipe # comment text\n these are not make comments and are included in the recipe text
targets target:, target :
multiple targets target1 target2:
pre-requisites target: prereq
order-only pre-requisites target: | prereq
recipes \trecipe text\n
recipe with a custom .RECIPEPREFIX |recipe text\n
semimcolon delimited recipes target: ;recipe text\n
empty declarations VAR :=
simple declarations VAR := foo.c bar.c
all assigment operators VAR != foo, VAR ::= bar, etc.
variable references
in targets ${VAR}:, $(FOO) $(BAR):
in prereqs target: ${FOO}
in recipes target:\n\trecipe $(VAR)\n
top-level directives ifeq, define, etc.
conditional directives ifeq, ifneq, ifdef, ifndef
equality directives ifeq, ifneq
parentheses syntax ifeq (foo, bar)
double quotes ifeq "foo" "bar"
single quotes ifeq 'foo' 'bar'
mixed syntax ifeq "foo" 'bar'
definition directives ifdef, ifndef
logging directives $(info message)
expressions $(shell script stuff)
many other things please open an issue if there is anything missing you'd like to see!

Will Not Support

Nothing, at this time



Go toolchain for the version listed in go.mod


go-make is itself built using make.

Targets Description
default goal Runs the build target
build Runs go build to verify the code compiles
test Test changed packages
test_all Test all packages
clean Remove .make directory and coverage report
cover Collect coverage for all tests and print report
tidy Runs go mod tidy
dev Setup the developer environment

Developer Environment

Apart from the Go toolchain, the only main dependency is the ginkgo cli to run tests. This repo also uses devctl but its use is optional. Targets will obtain dependencies automatically as needed.

Binaries are stored in a .gitignored bin/ directory at the root of the repository. An example .envrc file for direnv is provided in hack/example.envrc to add ./bin to your PATH automatically. To use it, run make .envrc or make dev. This will copy hack/example.envrc to .envrc at the root of the repository.