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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 7, 2020. It is now read-only.


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IMPORTANT: This project is archived, we are no longer supporting this .NET Core tool.

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A dotnet global tool that enables start any web folder or EmbedIO assembly (WebAPI or WebSocket) from command line.


We are using the brand new implementation of the Global Tool in .NET Core Apps 2.1+. Now you can easily download the package by running the next command

dotnet tool install -g embedio-cli

Custom installation

If you download the project and want to test installing your own version of the project you need to pack and then install the nuget

// In the root of your project run
$ dotnet pack

// Run the following command where you nupkg was created
$ dotnet tool install -g embedio-cli --add-source ./


Default serve

Run the command to serve a static folder and watch the files in the current directory. The command will serve a web page if it finds an index.html file or a wwwroot folder, otherwise it will serve the files to navigate them in the web browser.

$ embedio-cli

By default, all the files inside the folder are been watched and if any change happens on them it will reload the page, you can disable this functionality by passing --no-watch

Specify folder

$ embedio-cli -p c:\wwwroot

Run WebAPI or WebSocket Assembly

$ embedio-cli --api mywebapi.dll

Run web folder with WebAPI or WebSocket Assembly

$ embedio-cli -p c:\wwwroot --api mywebapi.dll


Short Argument Long Argument Description Default Required
p path The path where files will be serve ./
o port The port where the app will be listening 9696
a api The path to the dll ./
no-watch Disables the watch mode false


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

