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React Sliding Panes

Sliding pane component used for react, providing the following features:

  • Stack panes in top of each other
  • Open a pane side by side
  • Open a pane in fullscreen mode


npm install @unparallel/react-sliding-panes


Basic usage example showing all the features

import {Pane, PaneManager, PaneManagerControls, ViewMode} from "@unparallel/react-sliding-panes";
import "@unparallel/react-sliding-panes/dist/main.css";

interface SideContentProps {
    title: string,

interface ContentProps {
    title: string,

function SideContent({paneManagerControls, title}:SideContentProps){
    const {closeSidePane} = paneManagerControls
    return (
                <button onClick={closeSidePane}>Close</button>

function Content({title,paneManagerControls}:ContentProps){
    const {setSidePane, closeSidePane,addPane,closeLastPane} = paneManagerControls

    function setSidePaneBtn(){
        setSidePane({content:()=><SideContent title={"Side Content"} paneManagerControls={paneManagerControls} />,shouldClose:()=>confirm("Should close side pane?")})

    function openNewPane(){
        addPane({content:()=><Content title={"Other panes"} paneManagerControls={paneManagerControls} />,shouldClose:()=>confirm("Should close pane?")})

    function openNewPaneAsFullscreen(){
        addPane({content:()=><Content title={"Second Pane as fullscreen"} paneManagerControls={paneManagerControls} />,viewMode:ViewMode.FullScreen,shouldClose:()=>confirm("Should close pane?")})

            <button onClick={()=>closeLastPane()}>Close Pane</button>
            <button onClick={()=>closeSidePane()}>Close side Pane</button>
            <button onClick={()=>setSidePaneBtn()}>Set side pane</button>
            <button onClick={()=>openNewPane()}>Open new pane</button>
            <button onClick={()=>openNewPaneAsFullscreen()}>Open new pane as fullscreen</button>


export const Main = function(){

    const pane:Pane = {
        content:((paneManagerControls) =><Content title={"First Pane"}   paneManagerControls={paneManagerControls}/> ),shouldClose:()=>confirm("Should close pane?")

    return (
                    <h1>Root Content</h1>
                    <button onClick={()=>{paneManagerControls.addPane(pane)}}>Add first pane</button>

PaneManager component

Wrapper component which will provide the "paneManagerControls" object containing methods required to open and close panes


Name Type is Optional Default Value Description
children (paneManagerControls: PaneManagerControls)=>React.ReactNode no Render of Pane Manager root content, the object "paneManagerControls" is provided and could be used to launch new panes
minPaneDistance number yes 10 Minimum distance (in px) between panes
maxPaneDistance number yes 200 Maximum distance (in px) between panes
paneWidth number yes 300 Width for each pane
timeoutMS number yes 500 Duration of the animation during pane opening, close and adjustment
baseZIndex number yes 2000 Where the z index should start, defining this value could be required ensure that pane manager is rendered as the last layer
paneStartPadding number yes 0 X position of the first pane
paneClassName string yes null Custom classname for sliding pane container
paneBackgroundClassName string yes null Custom classname for sliding pane background
paneContentClassName string yes null Custom classname for sliding pane content
onPaneClose (index:number)=>void yes null Event fired after closing the pane
paneWillClose (index: number)=>void yes null Event fired before closing a pane
onPaneOpen (index: number, pane:Pane)=>void yes null Event fired after open the pane
onSidePaneOpen (paneIndex: number, sidePane:SidePane)=>void yes null Event fired after opened the side pane



Object containing several methods to control the behaviour of the Pane manager

Name Type Description
addPane (pane:Pane)=>void Used to add a new pane
closeLastPane ()=>void Close the last pane
closePane (index: number)=>void Close a specific pane
setSidePane (sidePane: SidePane)=>void Add a side pane to the last pane
closeSidePane ()=>void Close side pane
updateLastPaneProps (props:object)=>void Update props sent to the last pane, this update will re fire a render of the pane content
updateSidePaneProps (props:object)=>void Update props sent to the side pane, this update will re fire a render of the side pane content
compressPanes ()=>void Forces all panes to collapses until the meet the "minPaneDistance" regarding its distance
decompressPanes ()=>void Set panes distance to their default distance
getPaneCount ()=>number or null Number of panes stacked on the pane manager


Object describing a pane

Name Type is Optional Default Value Description
content (paneManagerControls: PaneManagerControls, props: object)=>React.ReactNode no null Content of the new pane, a "paneManagerControls" object will be sent to the content
viewMode ViewMode yes ViewMode.Default View mode of the new pane, allowed options ViewMode.Default or ViewMode.Fullscreen
shouldClose ()=>boolean yes ()=>true Confirmation step before closing the pane
onClose ()=>void yes Fired after closing the pane
willClose ()=>void yes Fired before closing the pane
props object yes Properties object sent on the content method


Object describing a side pane

Name Type is Optional Default Value Description
content (paneManagerControls)=>React.ReactNode no null Content of the new pane, a "paneManagerControls" object is sent to the content
shouldClose ()=>boolean yes ()=>true Confirmation step before closing the pane
onClose ()=>void yes Fired after closing the side pane
willClose ()=>void yes Fired before closing the side pane
props object yes Properties object sent on the content method


npm install
npm start


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