A micro Ruby app that drains logs from Heroku, extracts the metrics, and forwards them to Datadog. Supported services are:
- Heroku Router
- Heroku Postgres
- Heroku Redis
- Dyno
By forwarding metrics to Datadog you could:
- Set an alert when dynos are low on free memory.
- Set an alert when Redis is approaching the maximum memory limit allowed by the current plan.
- Graph the dyno's memory usage and load for each type of dyno (e.g. Worker, Web)
- Graph the request queue
See config/default.yml
for a full list of metrics and how they map between Heroku and Datadog.
- Ruby 3.1.2
- Heroku Buildpack for DataDog Agent
To deploy the drain:
$ git clone https://github.com/fivegoodfriends/heroku-drain-datadog.git
$ heroku apps create
$ heroku buildpacks:add https://github.com/DataDog/heroku-buildpack-datadog.git
$ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby
$ heroku config:set DD_API_KEY=<YOUR_DATADOG_API_KEY>
$ heroku config:set RACK_ENV=production
$ git push heroku main
The drain itself will not use the dyno, dynotype, and appname tags to avoid conflicting with forwarded metrics.
To instrument an app:
$ heroku labs:enable log-runtime-metrics --app <MY-APP>
$ heroku drains:add https://user:<YOUR_DRAIN_PASSWORD>@<YOUR_APP>.herokuapp.com/logs --app <MY-APP>
All forwarded metrics will be tagged with their dyno and dynotype.
It's recommended to set additional tags such as service, env, and appname if you forward multiple metrics from multiple sources to Datadog.
$ heroku config:set DRAIN_TAGS_FOR_<LOGPLEX_DRAIN_TOKEN>="env:production,service:app" -a <DRAIN-APP>
The drain token can be found by running $ heroku drains -a <MY-APP>
Setup the project:
$ bin/setup
Run the specs:
$ bin/rspec
Run the server and send a log entry:
$ DRAIN_PASSWORD=secret LOG_LEVEL=debug ./bin/puma -C config/puma.rb
$ curl -u :secret -X POST -d "338 <158>1 2016-08-20T02:15:10.862264+00:00 host heroku router - at=info method=GET path="/assets/admin-62f13e9f7cb78a2b3e436feaedd07fd67b74cce818f3bb7cfdab1e1c05dc2f89.css" host=app.fivegoodfriends.com.au request_id=bef7f609-eceb-4684-90ce-c249e6843112 fwd="," dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=2ms status=304 bytes=112" http://localhost:3000/logs
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fivegoodfriends/heroku_drain_datadog.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.