Docker Images used in
A container for C++ 20 software development in a .devcontainer
of VSCode.
Comes with GCC 10.2, GDB for debugging, modern CMake and Conan installed.
A container for C++ 20 + CUDA 11 software development in a .devcontainer
of VSCode.
Like the vscode-cpp20, it comes with GCC 10.2, GDB for debugging, modern CMake and Conan installed.
It also features, CUDA, cuBLAS for linear algebra, NCCL2 for multi-GPU communications.
A container for GraphML-related data-science workloads in JupyterLab. Comes with:
- CUDA 11
- PyTorch
- PyTorch-BigGraph
- NetworkX
- JupyterLab
- StreamLit