sixel image dumper
this program is a variant of idump
you need to install following library before build
- libsixel (
- libpng
- libjpeg or libjpeg-turbo
then just type "make"
static link version (located in ./static) depends no extra (shared) library
just type "cd static; make"
- libsixel (included in ./static/libsixel)
- stb_image.h (for jpeg)
- lodepng.h, lodepng.c (for png)
$ sdump [-h] [-f] [-r angle] image
$ cat image | sdump
$ wget -q -O - url | sdump
- -h: show help
- -f: fit image to display size (reduce only)
- -r: rotate image (90 or 180 or 270)
- jpeg by libjpeg
- png by libpng
- gif by libnsgif
- bmp by libnsbmp
- pnm by sdump
- surl: equal "wget -q -O - url | sdump" (depends wget)
- sviewer: take multiple files as arguments
- spdf: pdf viewer (depends mupdf >= 1.5)
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 haru