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Development Environment

Fernando Dodino edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 15 revisions

Base development environment


Visual Studio Code (most recent version) with these extensions

  • Auto Import, steoates
  • ESLint, Microsoft
  • Import Cost, Wix
  • Move TS, tnrich

Must confirm if we should add Prettier as a formatter for VSCode:

  • (Optional, not needed) Prettier - Code Formatter, Prettier
  • Prettier ESLint, Rebecca Vest

Additional recommended extensions:

  • GitLens - Git supercharged, Eric Amodio
  • Git History, Don Jayamanne
  • Git Graph, mhutchie


Make sure you are using the right version of node by running this command:

nvm use

# and if you need to install a specific version
nvm ls
nvm install xxxxx # xxxxx is a node version, like lts-hydrogen

This should show something like:

Found '/home/.../wollok-linter/.nvmrc' with version <vXX.YY.ZZ>
Now using node vXX.YY.ZZ


  • Clone this repo locally
  • Go to root folder and download dependencies
npm install
npm run compile # needed before tests
npm test

Running LSP IDE locally

Inside Visual Studio Code, go to Run menu > Start Debugging (F5), or Run without debugging:


Clone this wiki locally