This project is an implementation of A* algorithm on a rigid non-holonomic robot to traverse through a known environment. The project is divided into 4 phases.
- Phase-1: Installation of ROS and V-REP
- Phase-2: Implementation of A* on a non-holonomic robot
- Phase-3: Implementation of A* on a differential-drive robot
- Phase-4: Implementation of A* on Turtlebot using ROs
Phase 3 and 4 have been implemented on another repository
Figure 1 - Exploration of a non-holonomic rigid robot using A* to find optimal path from start to goal
- Python3
- Python3-tk
- Python3 Libraries: Numpy, OpenCV-Python, Math
- Install Python3, Python3-tk, and the necessary libraries: (if not already installed)
sudo apt install python3 python3-tk
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install numpy opencv-python
- Check if your system successfully installed all the dependencies
- Open terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and enter python3.
- The terminal should now present a new area represented by >>> to enter python commands
- Now use the following commands to check libraries: (Exit python window using Ctrl+Z if an error pops up while running the below commands)
import tkinter
import numpy
import cv2
- Using the terminal, clone this repository and go into the project directory, and run the main program:
git clone
cd a-star-robot
- If you have a compressed version of the project, extract it, go into project directory, open the terminal, and type:
python3 start_x,start_y,start_orientation goal_x,goal_y,goal_orientaion robot_radius,clearance step_size,theta animation
python3 50,30,60 150,150,0 1,1 1,30 1
- Refer documentation of to understand further about input arguments.
Figure 1 - Final path using A* from start to goal
- Note that the project does not consider the orientation of the robot at the goal point. The goal orientation parameter will be considered in the next phase of the project.