A Sibilisp based frontend framework and implementation of the Flux architecture, uses Snabbdom as virtual DOM library.
Silux is...
- ...a state management framework for frontend applications
- ...modular & extendable through a plugin architecture
- ...build with a small API surface
- ...lightweight (
5 KB
when gzipped) - ...equipped with special macros for virtual DOM creation and routing.
- ...completely written in Sibilisp
- ...usable in Sibilisp, Sibilant and JavaScript
Have a look into the 📖 API docs!
If you haven't used Sibilisp or Sibilant before, check them out, both are fun to use 😎
Showcases a basic counter implementation.
(use "silux"
(include "silux/vdom") ; Include the silux macros for an JSX like
(import-namespace silux) ; experience (see view function below)
(defsum signal ((:init new-state) ; Singals communicate a state change
(:modify by-n)))
(defun update (state sign) ; A function to modify the current state
(if (.is signal sign)
(match-sum sign ((:init (new-state) ; Pattern match incoming signals
(:modify (by-n)
(+ state by-n))))
(defun view ({state} emit) ; A function from state to VDOM
($div (:class "counter") ; Macro time! 😁
($h1 (:class "counter_count")
(if (number? state)
($div (:class "counter_buttons")
($button (:class "counter_buttons_decr"
:type "button"
:onclick (#> (emit (signal.modify -1))))
"- 1")
($button (:class "counter_buttons_incr"
:type "button"
:onclick (#> (emit (signal.modify +1))))
"+ 1"))))
(defvar *run-app* ; *run-app* becomes the startup function
(silux-connect ; Connects...
(silux-store (nil) update) ; ...a store with no initial state...
(hash :el (.query-selector document "#counter") ; ...to a DOM element...
:view view))) ; ...and a VDOM creating function
(call *run-app* (signal.init 0)) ; Starts the app with an initial state of 0