Package packet provides basic APIs for linux packet socket. MIT licensed.
It can be easily extended and (presumably) integrated with Go rutime poller.
go get
The easiest way to use this library,
read packets,
import ""
// create a handler
handler, err := packet.NewHander("", nil)
if err != nil {
// handle errors
// read from handler
for {
raw, info, err := handler.Read(true)
if err == nil {
usePacket(raw, info)
// check if error is recoverable
if packet.Temporary(err) || packet.Timeout(err) {
// may be break!
send packets,
handler.Write([]byte, nil, packet.ProtoIP)
you can also use BPF filters and configurations to control the handler.
save packets in pcap file format
go build ./cmd/pcap
if you want to link with libpcap BPF expressions compiler use,
go build -tags=bpf ./cmd/pcap
It is very unlikely that signatures and types exposed by this package will change but new APIs might be added. It is recommended to read documentation in order to use this library appropriately.