Interpretable is a communication tool using pictograms. It was developed by the Erasme open innovation laboratory of the Metropole of Lyon. For more information, visit
Interpretable Imagier is a static web application that allows to manage the pictograms catalog by adding, editing and deleting pictograms and categories.
docker compose --profile dev up -d
docker cp dev-interpretable-imagier:/app/node_modules ./
docker compose down
docker compose --profile dev up
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec dev-interpretable-imagier npm install <package>
docker compose down
docker compose up -d
docker exec dev-interpretable-imagier npm run build
docker cp dev-interpretable-imagier:/app/build ./build
docker compose down
npm install
npm start
npm run build
To diplay the pictograms and categories, the app needs to load the folowing files:
directory containing the pictograms svg filesstatic/main.csv
file containing the main categorie names and relationsstatic/category.csv
file containing the sub categorie names and relations to items (the pictograms)static/items.csv
file containing the pictograms names and relations to categories
J'ai rendez-vous,j_ai_rdv,6.1.0,rendez-vous;horaire;agenda;
This can be a little confusing to configure but the structure needed by the web app is more clear if you want to customize the app.
The app only need one json object structured as such:
category_index: string,
category_label: string,
checked: boolean,
sub_categorie_items: [
category_index: string,
category_label: string,
checked: boolean,
items: [
pictogram_label: string,
pictogram_file: string
Interpretable Imagier is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0