Releases: urish/aramcon-badge
UF2 Bootloader - 11/01/2020
2020 Badge bootloader
CircuitPython - 1.1.2020
Based on adafruit/circuitpython@9ba40de
Built from urish/circuitpython@9eca9c7
This version implements a workaround for the I2C pullup issue
CircuitPython - 28.12.2019
Based on adafruit/circuitpython@9ba40de
Built from urish/circuitpython@97005ac
Know issues:
I2C now requires pull ups on the slaves. This is addressed temporarily by badgeio lazily initializing the I2C peripheral.
CircuitPython - 3.12.2019
UF2 Bootloader - 07/09/2019
- Updated to latest Adafruit bootloader (release 0.2.12)
- Disabled factory reset option
Built from
Build command: make BOARD=aramcon_badge all combinehex
CircuitPython - 28.8.2019
Based on
Main features:
Support for BLE Central and e-paper displayio (Thank you Adafruit!)
CircuitPython - 22.7.2019
Based on
should be much faster. I will update when the final version is released.
CircuitPython - 27.6.2019
Initial release of circuit python for the badge.
Still missing bluetooth support.
revision f7f297ea1d97e5f0bedbd6ffc0f9c7cfbeb4ca2f
In order to install drag the firmware.uf2 to the ARAMBOOT drive which appears when connecting the badge to your computer (this requires the new bootloader which can be found at .
After installing circuitpython you can install the libraries by extracting them to the CIRCUITPY drive which appears when connecting the badge to your computer (make sure to keep the lib directory).
Bootloader 27.6.2019
Adafruit uf2 bootloader for the badge.
Connect jlink and use the following command line
nrfjprog --program aramcon_badge_bootloader-0.2.11-8-g2c13fd5_s140_6.1.1.hex --sectoranduicrerase -f nrf52 --reset
Git revision: 99cb724
Zephyr fork good-display branch revision: 6c9e63fdb435a80f637d8bb913729474b26c7a44
HEX file builds for the following apps: