- A roulette based casino gaming web application on Core PHP.
- No need additional extractions, just copy-paste this "casino-gaming" directory in your htdocs folder in xampp and import "casinodb.sql" file in your phpMyAdmin panel.
- Name of database is itself "casinodb", import it and boom play your casino in your browser.
- Players can bid any amount to any table number, their active bid history will be shown near to bid panel.
- Players can also add deposit to their in-built wallet, so their bids can get recovered.
- Admin panel will have watch on all users & their bids, newly registered players will pass request to admin panel to approve that player to make bids, therefore admin approved player only will able to make bids.
- Admin can remove any player or disable any account from panel username & password is same as a@b.c.
- Dummy data for all panels can be get through db records and password for all users is "demo".
- Here are some screenshots for this application:
Admin panel home page for displaying records
Admin panel users request page