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ROS 2 Transform Communication Package


This ROS 2 package comprises two nodes, TransformPublisher and TransformSubscriber, designed to demonstrate the handling and communication of transformation data. The TransformPublisher node periodically publishes transformation data, including translation and rotation, simulating a scenario like a camera's movement in relation to a drone. The TransformSubscriber node subscribes to this transformation data and logs the received information, displaying the frame IDs, translation, and rotation. This package exemplifies the publisher-subscriber model in ROS 2 using the geometry_msgs/msg/TransformStamped message type.

File Structure

your_package/ |-- src/ | |-- publisher_member_function.cpp | |-- subscriber_member_function.cpp |-- CMakeLists.txt |-- package.xml

  • src/: Contains the source files.
    • publisher_member_function.cpp: Implements the transform publisher node.
    • subscriber_member_function.cpp: Implements the transform subscriber node.
  • CMakeLists.txt: CMake file for configuring the build of the ROS 2 package.
  • package.xml: Provides metadata and dependencies of the package.

Build Instructions

  1. Place the Package: Copy your package directory into the src folder of your ROS 2 workspace.

  2. Compile the Package:

    • Navigate to the root of your ROS 2 workspace.
    • Execute colcon build --packages-select your_package_name to build your package. Replace your_package_name with the actual name of your package.
    • Source the setup script after building: source install/setup.bash.
  3. Run the Nodes:

    • Start the publisher node with ros2 run your_package_name transform_publisher.
    • In a separate terminal (after sourcing the setup script), start the subscriber node with ros2 run your_package_name transform_subscriber.
  4. Verify Operation: Check the output in the subscriber node's terminal to confirm it is correctly receiving and logging the transform data published by the publisher node.

This package is a practical example for understanding ROS 2's approach to handling and communicating transformation data, suitable for applications in robotics and simulations. Note: Mock data is used. Please take care of any dependencies that may occur in your system.


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