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GoFS Interaction with Jython

santosh-sr edited this page Jun 3, 2013 · 3 revisions

Jython is a java implementation of Python that combines expressive power with clarity. Python programs are typically 2-10X shorter than the equivalent Java program. This translates directly to increased programmer productivity. The seamless interaction between Python and Java allows developers to freely mix the two languages both during development and in shipping products. The rest of this document explains about the interaction of GoFS API using Jython.

Install Jython:

Below link explains about the installation of Jython

Jython Code to create GMLPartition object:

  • Add gofs-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in sys.path of the script

    Code Snippet:
    import sys
    import os.path

  • Import the 'edu.usc.pgroup.goffish.gofs.partition.gml' package in the script

  • Create IPartition object by passing the Partition ID, Graph Template File, List of Graph Instance Files arguments to parseGML API

    gmlPartition = GMLPartition.parseGML(partitionId, FileInputStream(path/to/graphTemplate), GMLFileIterable(path/to/graphInstances)))

Jython Code to read/write Graph Template and Graph Instances:

  • Add dependent jars of GoFS project in sys.path of the script. Dependent jars can be found under \lib directory of GoFS deployment package zip file

  • Import the necessary java packages such as 'edu.usc.pgroup.goffish.gofs.slice' and 'edu.usc.pgroup.goffish.gofs.namenode' in the script

  • Create ISliceManager object by passing the Partition Slice ID, ISliceSerializer and IStorageManager arguments

    sliceManager = SliceManager(partitionSliceID, sliceSerializer, storageManager)
    paritionSliceID - slice id of the graph partition. slice id can be obtained from INameNode mapping
    sliceSerializer - GoFS supports Java and Kryo Serialization. By default, Java Serialization will be considered
    storageManager - File Manager to store the slice files of Graph Template and Graph Instances of the partition

Write Graph Template:

Read Graph Template:
graphPartition = sliceManager.readPartition()

Write Graph Instances:
[Make sure writePartition() is invoked before calling writeInstances() method]

Read Graph Instances:
sliceManager.readInstances(subGraph, startTime, endTime, vertexProperties, edgeProperties)
subGraph - subgraph to retrieve instances for
startTime - earliest time to retrieve instances for
endTime - latest time to retrieve instances for
vertexProperties - properties to retrieve for vertices
edgeProperties - properties to retrieve for edges

**Note: Refer GoFS Java documentation for exact argument types **