Generate gender and SAD timestamps of audio based on neural network models trained in Keras.
Input must be a text file containing full paths to either mp4/mkv media files or .wav audio
files, and optionally the path to the directory where all the output will be
stored (default=$proj_dir/expt).
Outputs will be a text file for each movie/audio file, each line of which will contain the
start and end times for the speech segment followed by the gender (male/female).
Frame level posteriors are also saved in the output directory.
bash [-h] [-c config_file] movie_paths.txt (out_dir)
e.g.: bash -c ./ demo.txt DEMO
-h : Show help
-c : Configuration file
movie_paths.txt : Text file consisting of complete paths to media files (eg, .mp4/.mkv) on each line
out_dir : Directory in which to store all output files (default: "$PWD/gender_out_dir")
nj=4 # Number of files to process simultaneously
feats_flag="y" # "y"/"n" flag to keep kaldi-feature files after inference
wavs_flag="n" # "y"/"n" flag to keep .wav audio files after inference
sad_overlap=0 # % overlap in SAD-segments (range: 0-1, 0 for no overlap) (single segment is 0.64s)
gender_overlap=0 # % overlap in GENDER-segments (single segment is 0.96s)
uniform_seg_len=2.0 # Segment length for uniform speaker-segmentation
only_vad=0 # 1 if only sad outputs required
kaldi : ensure that all kaldi binaries are added to system path. If not,
either add them to system path, or modify kaldi_root in 1st line of
'' to reflect kaldi installation directory.
keras, tensorflow : required to load data, model and make VAD predictions.
Other python libraries required include numpy, scipy, resampy.
This tool can be used for noise-robust gender identification from audio. Two parallel systems are implemented for this purpose:
- Speech Activity Detection (SAD), and
- Gender Identification (GID) of speech segments.
Both of the DNN-based systems make predictions at segment-level as opposed to traditional frame-level analysis. Segment duration for the SAD system is 0.64s (design choice) and for the GID system is 0.96s (pre-trained VGGish embeddings). For more details about the architecture and training procedures, please refer to the ICASSP '19 paper (SAD), and INTERSPEECH '18 paper (GID).