Pre-processing of building footprints data
Building pre-processing steps:
- Shapely Validation and Checking Geometry Types
- Fix Overlapping Buildings (merge or trim)
- Fix Collapsed Buildings (merge or remove)
- Snap
- Split features
- - Download building footprints data for a given city
- - Run momepy.CheckTessellationInput and save data as parquets
- Explore_Issues.ipynb - Explore buildings on map
- Buildings_Berlin.ipynb - Explore Berlin Building Footprint data from OSM
- Fix_Overlaps.ipynb - Preliminary exploration of fixing overlapping buildings
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate py312_uscuni_buildingfootprints
- OSM_Data - Geofabrik OpenStreetMap data (too large for Github)
- buildings.parquet - Building footprint data for Berlin (too large for Github)
- collapse, split, and overlap.parquet - Output of momepy.CheckTessellationInput for Berlin building footprints (footprints which may be prone to errors)